Interview with r. N. on June 14, 2009, evening at Democracy Island
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.
[6:45] r. N. is Online
[6:45] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[6:45] Connected
[7:02] Teleport completed from
[7:02] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[7:02] Connected
[7:02] Brooke Yven: Hi.
[7:02] Brooke Yven: Nice to meet you.:D
[7:02] r. N.: good to meet you too :)
[7:03] Brooke Yven: Let's begin it now.
[7:03] r. N.: yes :)
[7:03] Brooke Yven: Start with 7 background information questions.
[7:03] r. N.: yes.. ok
[7:03] Brooke Yven: 1. what is your age?
[7:03] Brooke Yven: in RL.
[7:04] r. N.: 47
[7:04] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[7:04] Brooke Yven: Next, gender?
[7:04] r. N.: female
[7:04] Brooke Yven: 3. where do you live in RL?
[7:04] r. N.: Australia
[7:05] Brooke Yven: 4. What is your occupation?
[7:05] r. N.: Government.. Law
[7:05] Brooke Yven: Wow...
[7:05] r. N.: ?
[7:06] Brooke Yven: I wonder whether there is any relation between your purpose to post your news and your career?
[7:07] r. N.: i don't think so, i have been writing for a number of magazines for over 20 years
[7:07] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[7:07] Brooke Yven: Then the next question.
[7:07] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[7:07] r. N.: i write about things usually not related to law
[7:07] Brooke Yven: I see.
[7:07] r. N.: hmmm good question, i think about 8 months
[7:08] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[7:08] r. N.: well i tried weekly until i had difficulty getting onto the site
[7:08] Brooke Yven: All right.
[7:08] r. N.: now if it gets hard to get on i go do something else :)
[7:08] Brooke Yven: So that's why you seldom post news recently?
[7:09] r. N.: but it is good to be able to get on
[7:09] r. N.: yes
[7:09] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[7:09] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[7:09] r. N.: i have had a number of good r/l - cross to s/l stories to file
[7:09] r. N.: but couldn't get onto the site to sile
[7:09] Brooke Yven: I see.
[7:09] r. N.: well if something relates to something current
[7:09] r. N.: in r/l
[7:10] r. N.: and the impact is demonstrated here
[7:10] Brooke Yven: So there are still a bunch of good things waiting to be told?
[7:10] r. N.: then i think that is a good story
[7:10] r. N.: oh yes
[7:10] r. N.: see here.. if something like eg: the Italian Earthquake happends
[7:10] Brooke Yven: I'm looking forward to see.:D
[7:10] r. N.: this community responds very fast
[7:10] r. N.: and it is a global community
[7:10] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[7:11] r. N.: and it is good to see how things here.. like eg" fundraising
[7:11] r. N.: gets converted to r/l help
[7:11] r. N.: in real money
[7:11] Brooke Yven: Sure.
[7:11] r. N.: or how peopel play out adoption and surrogacy for example
[7:11] r. N.: the r/l issues that that relate to
[7:11] r. N.: or things like the r/l support and clinical groups help people
[7:12] r. N.: many cannot get to support groups but if they can some to sl they can join groups for all sorts of things..
[7:12] r. N.: depression,
[7:12] r. N.: multiple sclerosis etc
[7:12] r. N.: i like stories that show people that sl is not a game
[7:12] Brooke Yven: So you want to find something that has something to do with r/l in s/l?
[7:12] r. N.: it never has been
[7:12] r. N.: yes
[7:13] Brooke Yven: Okay. I see.
[7:13] r. N.: this is a total global social networking place
[7:13] r. N.: when the economy in USA went
[7:13] r. N.: plop
[7:13] r. N.: within days the effects found all over world
[7:13] r. N.: and people here from all countries talk about how it affected them
[7:14] Brooke Yven: That's very interesting.
[7:14] r. N.: where else could you get so many comments from so many countries in one place
[7:14] r. N.: and in real time
[7:14] Brooke Yven: I thought there were only web-sites, blogs ...etc to talk about these issues.
[7:15] r. N.: i also like stories that show how being here increases tolerance of difference
[7:15] r. N.: yes... and that is a bhout writing
[7:15] Brooke Yven: But it is actually a good place, too.
[7:15] r. N.: here is about direct, real time communication and immediate exchange
[7:15] r. N.: and in voice helps a lot
[7:15] r. N.: more human
[7:15] r. N.: more direct
[7:16] Brooke Yven: Ok, let's move to the second part: CNN ireport experience.
[7:16] r. N.: nods
[7:16] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL? Well, I think it has been told. :P
[7:17] r. N.: well i was doing an article for a magazine on r/l businesses in sl
[7:17] r. N.: that's how i found CNN
[7:17] r. N.: i interviewed Nicole Saidi
[7:17] r. N.: and ended up joining CNN
[7:17] Brooke Yven: You have already left there now?
[7:18] r. N.: left where?
[7:18] Brooke Yven: CNN.
[7:18] r. N.: no i am still a cnn ireporter
[7:18] r. N.: i have just had problems getting on the site to file stories lately
[7:18] Brooke Yven: Uh, I understand.
[7:19] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[7:19] r. N.: i like the creative fantasy sims.. the builders that can evoke a 'gfeeling'.. like the Baron's Templum Obscurum.. or Cuywnne Deerhunter's Crucible
[7:20] r. N.: the legal community here is also great.. a wonderful group of people
[7:20] r. N.: and i am involved with three law schools directly on projects..
[7:20] Brooke Yven: Excuse me, what was the 'gfeeling' you meant?
[7:20] r. N.: i am also involved in metanomics and sim design
[7:20] r. N.: 'feeling'
[7:21] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[7:21] r. N.: well when you walk through what has been 'feel' something.. rested, or happy, or peaceful
[7:21] Brooke Yven: Yes, indeed.
[7:21] r. N.: people that build environments..
[7:21] r. N.: create 'other worlds'
[7:21] r. N.: not just buildings
[7:21] r. N.: so i love finding people that can do that.. evoke a feeling
[7:22] r. N.: and thn i interview if i feel they have something people may like to hear
[7:22] Brooke Yven: Do you think that they put their emotion to their creation, so that makes people feel something?
[7:23] r. N.: yes
[7:23] r. N.: it is hard to build a whole space without becoming involved
[7:23] r. N.: and i love to see what people can do
[7:23] r. N.: and wonder..
[7:23] r. N.: feel in awe of talent
[7:23] r. N.: i love that
[7:23] Brooke Yven: Me, too.
[7:23] r. N.: :)
[7:23] Brooke Yven: :D
[7:23] r. N.: and many in r/l have interesting stories
[7:23] r. N.: that start to make sense of what they create
[7:24] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[7:24] r. N.: well i am pretty active in sl
[7:25] r. N.: and many seem to know opr remember that i do some writing
[7:25] r. N.: so people tell me things, or invite me to things
[7:25] r. N.: or i just
[7:25] r. N.: find things
[7:25] r. N.: then i decide
[7:25] r. N.: where would the stpry best fit
[7:25] r. N.: story
[7:25] r. N.: is it broad enough for CNN
[7:26] Brooke Yven: So you actually choose what to put on CNN but not just pust everything you write on it.
[7:26] r. N.: is it SL based..
[7:26] r. N.: if broader
[7:26] r. N.: then CNN usually
[7:27] Brooke Yven: then CNN usually?
[7:27] r. N.: yes
[7:28] r. N.: although some i do for Best of SL Magazine show the business crossover r/l and s/l.. the CNN ones are more specific
[7:28] r. N.: more about how help or issues crossover
[7:29] Brooke Yven: Oh, I see.
[7:29] r. N.: i think it's good for people to read about how positive things can emerge from SL
[7:29] Brooke Yven: In some way, it means you would post the best news on CNN?
[7:30] r. N.: well in my case yes.. i think there are plenty of nasty ones to post
[7:30] r. N.: but people love to do that
[7:30] r. N.: few peopel post positive things
[7:31] r. N.: my blogs are personal.. those i may post a range of positive and negative
[7:31] r. N.: but for those i report for my responsibility
[7:31] Brooke Yven: Something that would attract people's mind and influence them.
[7:31] r. N.: is to show what i can confirm
[7:31] Brooke Yven: to do good things
[7:31] r. N.: and to show how people deal with tragedy
[7:31] Brooke Yven: Oh.
[7:32] r. N.: how people can pull topgether or sjupport each other
[7:32] r. N.: or how people are impacted by things r/l
[7:32] r. N.: and how they can support each other here
[7:32] r. N.: like the Australian bushfires
[7:32] r. N.: not a positive story... but many were impacted in SL
[7:33] r. N.: so i write about how people reacted
[7:33] Brooke Yven: So you really have a good purpose behind all the stories you post. :D
[7:34] r. N.: well it is easy to post nasty stories that have little basis in fact.. or are based on gossip
[7:34] r. N.: harder to find positive things that emerge from tragedy
[7:34] Brooke Yven: That's true.
[7:34] Brooke Yven: truth.
[7:34] r. N.: anyone can do a 'beat up'
[7:34] r. N.: anyone can sensationalise
[7:35] r. N.: harder to get to a real story.. real people, real feelings, real and confirmed actions.. and real and confirmed outcomes
[7:36] Brooke Yven: I really appreciate your effort.
[7:36] r. N.: i admit though.. i enjoy cnn
[7:36] Brooke Yven: I can tell. :)
[7:36] r. N.: i like that some stories actually make it onto the actual snn
[7:36] r. N.: like the Bushfires one
[7:37] r. N.: i nwas very happy about that
[7:37] r. N.: and the music group mentioned ended up being played on Syndey Radio
[7:38] Brooke Yven: Why did they end up it? Leave more time for news to be broadcast?
[7:39] r. N.: soory.. :) i meant.. the result of the stpry
[7:39] r. N.: was that the group that wrote and sang the bushfire song
[7:39] r. N.: became famous
[7:40] Brooke Yven: and the song later been stopped playing on radio?
[7:41] r. N.: swell it would never ever have been played on radio
[7:41] r. N.: if cnn had not reported the song
[7:42] Brooke Yven: Since you said you were happy to see that, was it a song telling people something positive?
[7:43] r. N.: it was a song about the sadness and impact of the fires.. BUT it raised awareness of the fires and the massive damage
[7:43] r. N.: and the deaths
[7:43] r. N.: and it helped people to know and to help the bushfire victims
[7:43] Brooke Yven: Wow...
[7:43] Brooke Yven: that was really something.
[7:44] r. N.: it was very special
[7:44] Brooke Yven: We have the same example in Taiwan, too.
[7:44] r. N.: and so many countries
[7:44] r. N.: so many people
[7:44] r. N.: got involved here in helping victims
[7:44] r. N.: i thought that a good story
[7:44] r. N.: yes :)))
[7:45] Brooke Yven: 10 years ago, there was a big earthquake happened in Taiwan.
[7:45] r. N.: see Australians used to helping others.. it was good also for my country to see how many from other countries.. cared about my people too
[7:45] r. N.: ohh yes i recall
[7:45] r. N.: it was aweful!
[7:45] Brooke Yven: And every year, singers would get together to write and sing a song to recall people's strength from that disaster.
[7:46] r. N.: yes!!!
[7:46] r. N.: see!!!!
[7:46] r. N.: :))
[7:46] r. N.: human experieince
[7:46] r. N.: is EVERYTHING
[7:46] Brooke Yven: I really agree with you! :D
[7:46] Brooke Yven: That's right!
[7:46] r. N.: so much is focussed on the bad.. yet this world .. sl and r/l have so many stories of good people
[7:47] r. N.: good people helping people
[7:47] Brooke Yven: I can totally agree with your purpose.
[7:47] r. N.: people coming through adversity with grace and dignity
[7:47] Brooke Yven: It is very nice to know there are people who are helping each other in the world.
[7:47] r. N.: and a story that shows how people are strong
[7:47] r. N.: is valuable i think
[7:47] r. N.: and it TEACHES'
[7:47] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[7:48] r. N.: inspires
[7:48] r. N.: see
[7:48] r. N.: anypone can write about stupid things
[7:48] r. N.: bad things
[7:48] r. N.: so
[7:48] r. N.: SOMEONE
[7:48] r. N.: has to balance that
[7:48] Brooke Yven: It is important to balance it.
[7:48] Brooke Yven: I totally agree with that.
[7:48] r. N.: :)
[7:49] Brooke Yven: Okay, then, let's move to the next one.
[7:49] r. N.: yes:)
[7:49] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[7:50] r. N.: my target is i think the person who will do a search on a term
[7:50] r. N.: like bushfire
[7:50] r. N.: or adoption
[7:50] r. N.: because the stories will come up on google
[7:50] r. N.: so i look for a broader reach
[7:50] r. N.: and i get feedback through my email
[7:50] r. N.: or under the story
[7:51] r. N.: or the subject of the interview will have contact from places.. and will then let me know
[7:51] Brooke Yven: So you have set key-words for your news and waited for people who concern about these issues would come and see.
[7:52] r. N.: yes.. and most stories arfe topical
[7:52] r. N.: are* topical
[7:52] r. N.: and fall into a category
[7:52] r. N.: eg : sport
[7:52] r. N.: finance
[7:52] r. N.: social
[7:53] Brooke Yven: That's very smart.
[7:53] r. N.: ithink it's important to file a story if it has 'substance'
[7:53] r. N.: not just to file any old story
[7:53] r. N.: because it is NOT about my name on cnn site
[7:54] r. N.: not about MY byline.. but about the readers and the actual story
[7:54] Brooke Yven: I see.
[7:55] Brooke Yven: Ok, there are two more.
[7:55] r. N.: yes.. :)
[7:55] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[7:56] r. N.: in the main, it seems personal interest
[7:56] r. N.: human interest
[7:56] Brooke Yven: for example?
[7:56] r. N.: less about 'hard' news
[7:56] r. N.: on behaviours and acticvities
[7:56] r. N.: more about human interest
[7:56] r. N.: well like a guy in r/l who races cars
[7:56] r. N.: has a HUGE business and track here
[7:57] r. N.: where he MAKES racing cars
[7:57] r. N.: the fastest and best to steer in sl
[7:57] r. N.: and he built a whole racetrack
[7:57] r. N.: a copy of a big track in the USAS
[7:57] r. N.: USA*
[7:57] r. N.: so people are.. wow.. he is in r/l AND here
[7:57] Brooke Yven: You mean the desires?
[7:58] r. N.: he loves racing
[7:58] r. N.: so he does it in both places
[7:58] r. N.: but people like to find out
[7:58] Brooke Yven: The human interest you meant...are like the desires on bible or something?
[7:58] r. N.: the man who has big track and makes great cars here in sl ALSO does same thing in r/l
[7:58] r. N.: yes
[7:58] r. N.: :)
[7:58] Brooke Yven: Ok, I see...
[7:58] r. N.: i also think that people like to read about mischief
[7:59] r. N.: you know human relationships
[7:59] r. N.: infidelity
[7:59] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[7:59] r. N.: how relationships here impact on r/l
[7:59] r. N.: that is voyeuristic and gossipy and people loce that
[7:59] r. N.: lol
[7:59] Brooke Yven: They do.
[8:00] Brooke Yven: Okay, let's move to the final one.
[8:00] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[8:00] r. N.: well the only one is about
[8:00] r. N.: 1) being factual
[8:01] r. N.: 2) being able to give sources or verofy sources
[8:01] r. N.: 3) getting it filed.. on pc.. sometimes it is hard to get onto the site to file story
[8:02] Brooke Yven: It seems that you did meet some sort of difficulties on the site...
[8:02] r. N.: yes... not sure if my pc or cnn server
[8:02] r. N.: but annoying :)
[8:02] Brooke Yven: I see.
[8:03] Brooke Yven: Yes, it is very annoying when the pc problems happened...:(
[8:03] r. N.: yes
[8:03] Brooke Yven: But I'm a little curious about... why being factual would be a difficulty?
[8:04] r. N.: well it is easy to report hearsay and gossip
[8:04] Brooke Yven: I thought news are all factual.
[8:04] r. N.: but to be able to verify the story
[8:04] r. N.: need to verify to editorial
[8:04] r. N.: otherwise anyone could say anything
[8:04] r. N.: need to evidence
[8:04] r. N.: validate
[8:05] r. N.: sometimes stories are good but not enough validation to file
[8:05] Brooke Yven: Oh, I see.
[8:05] r. N.: in that case you could only run a 'blind' article
[8:05] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[8:05] r. N.: a mention no manes.. hinting, implying one
[8:05] r. N.: and i hate those
[8:05] r. N.: i won't do them
[8:06] Brooke Yven: That really disturb some time.
[8:06] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[8:07] r. N.: yes
[8:07] Brooke Yven: We've completed the interview.
[8:07] r. N.: i hope it was ok
[8:07] Brooke Yven: May I take a picture with you?
[8:07] Brooke Yven: It is really great!!!
[8:08] r. N.: yes of course
[8:08] Brooke Yven: To know there is someone working on such a great idea makes me excited.
[8:08] r. N.: i hope all is ok... :)
[8:08] Brooke Yven: Thank for your sources.
[8:09] r. N.: it was a pleasure
[8:09] r. N.: i hope all goes well for your assignment :)
[8:09] Brooke Yven: Go ahead on your great idea. I would support you in my mind...since I won't be able to stay here long...
[8:10] Brooke Yven: I really appreciate this opportunity.
[8:10] r. N.: :)) be well :)
[8:10] Brooke Yven: You, too.
[8:10] Brooke Yven: See you. :)
[8:10] r. N.: oh Vicki Maidstone is online
[8:10] r. N.: is veruy good reporter to talk too also
[8:10] Brooke Yven: Oh, really?
[8:11] r. N.: Vickie Maidstone
[8:11] Brooke Yven: Would you introduce me to her, please?
[8:11] r. N.: a star ireport reporter
2009.06.15 IMdialogues
[6:48] Brooke Yven: Hello, r. N., I'm Brooke Yven.
[6:48] r. N.: HI Brooke
[6:49] Brooke Yven: I interviewed you yesterday, but I missed one question.
[6:49] r. N.: yes you interviewed me yesterday
[6:49] r. N.: sure what is the question?
[6:49] Brooke Yven: What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[6:51] r. N.: hard to say.. well written and verifiable
[6:51] r. N.: topical.. relating to something happening world wide
[6:51] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[6:52] Brooke Yven: Thank you. :D
2009年6月25日 星期四
Interview with D. D. on Jun, 16th
Interview with D. D. on June 16, 2009, morning at her home
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.
[2009/06/15 18:43] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: hi
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your acception. I'm Brooke Yven, who invited you to join in our journalistic project.
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: oh yes
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Are you free now to have the interview?
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: I saw a message from you on it
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: im sorry but I wont be free until about 9PM sl time
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: maybe a little sooner
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Well...I'll be free at 11pm.
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Will you have time then?
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I think that will be fine yes
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: but no later than that please
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I live in sl time in rl
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Ok. Then I'll come back at then and I'll hold the interview with you then, too.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: There are only simple questions.
[2009/06/15 18:48] D. D.: ok thank you
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: It could be finished within 30 mins.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: See you then. :D
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[22:22] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[22:22] D. D.: hello
[22:22] D. D.: I am free now
[22:22] Brooke Yven: So, where are you prefer to have the interview?
[22:23] D. D.: it does not matter to me
[22:23] D. D.: my home or?
[22:23] Brooke Yven: It's okay.
[22:23] Brooke Yven: If you don't mind, I can interview you at your home. :)
[22:23] D. D.: ok ill send tp
[22:27] D. D.: we can talk here
[22:27] Brooke Yven: First we'll start with 7 background information questions.
[22:27] D. D.: ok
[22:27] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[22:27] Brooke Yven: I mean RL.
[22:27] D. D.: rl or sl?
[22:27] D. D.: oh
[22:28] D. D.: 31
[22:28] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 2. gender?
[22:28] D. D.: female
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 3. Where is your location in RL?
[22:28] D. D.: California
[22:29] Brooke Yven: 4. What is your RL occupation?
[22:29] D. D.: manegement training - hotel industry
[22:30] Brooke Yven: Btw, do you think there is any relation between your career and your purpose to report news in CNN?
[22:30] D. D.: no
[22:30] D. D.: not my rl career
[22:30] D. D.: I do work in sl too
[22:30] D. D.: and it has everything to do with that
[22:30] Brooke Yven: ok.
[22:30] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[22:31] D. D.: oh since about a week after they got here to sl but I dont remeber when that was
[22:31] Brooke Yven: they?
[22:31] D. D.: cnn
[22:32] Brooke Yven: So you joined iReport right after they had a site here?
[22:32] D. D.: yes
[22:32] Brooke Yven: It seems to be a long time, I believe.
[22:32] D. D.: yes over a year I think
[22:32] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:32] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[22:33] D. D.: that varies .. actually I have not submitted one in several months
[22:33] D. D.: ive mostly been writing for sl newspaper and some magazines
[22:33] Brooke Yven: So you actually seldom post your news there.
[22:34] D. D.: not anymore no.. but I may if I feel like it
[22:34] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:34] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[22:34] D. D.: publicity
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Your magazine?
[22:35] D. D.: no
[22:35] D. D.: for whatever evevent I happenned to write about
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:35] D. D.: event*
[22:35] Brooke Yven: So you make a record of your sl life in CNN?
[22:36] D. D.: not exactly
[22:36] D. D.: there have been some events that I worked on and I simply wrote about them on ireport to gain publicty
[22:36] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Then let's move to the next part: CNN iReporter experiences.
[22:37] D. D.: ok
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[22:38] D. D.: ease of submitting.. high profile of the service...
[22:38] Brooke Yven: So you were enjoying the service and liberity to submit your news there?
[22:38] D. D.: yes
[22:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:39] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[22:40] D. D.: hmm.. well Im a huge fan of live music in sl so thats one.. also im into sailing so I like the sailing groups... and I work for a Television network in sl so im those groups too
[22:40] D. D.: places...
[22:40] D. D.: thats hard
[22:40] D. D.: I have 100 favorite places
[22:40] D. D.: lol
[22:40] D. D.: but probably
[22:41] D. D.: the United Sailing Sims
[22:41] D. D.: where we are now
[22:41] D. D.: is my #1 fav
[22:41] Brooke Yven: So, do you report these your favorite people or places often?
[22:43] D. D.: pretty much yes.. but not so much on ireport anymore.. instead i go for the livve music magazine and sailing magazine
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Ok. I got it.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Then the next one.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[22:44] D. D.: well like i said they are usually about events or people Iknow so Ijust hear about them I dont go looking for stories
[22:44] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[22:45] D. D.: on tv you mean?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Have you ever noticed any kind of news would have more chances to be chosen as headline in the web-site?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: in CNN iReport?
[22:46] D. D.: well im not sure really but Iknow that one of my stories made it to CNN TV. It was about the 9/11 memorial we did here in sl
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[22:47] D. D.: target is anyone who uses sl.. how do Iknow what?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: How do you know who have read your report?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: your news.
[22:48] D. D.: unless they happen to tel me they read it I dont know
[22:48] D. D.: I onlyknow how many read it
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Then you seldome respond the comments? or there were little comments?
[22:49] D. D.: very few comments and I seldom respond
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Ok, I see.
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[22:50] D. D.: current events
[22:50] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Then, the last one.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[22:51] D. D.: I think the only limit is the file size of a picture and maybe how many words im really not sure but the rules are posted on the submission page
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: So there were little difficulties you met?
[22:52] D. D.: ive not run into any difficullties
[22:52] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Okay. We have done the interview.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources.
[22:53] D. D.: can I ask you afew questions?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: :D
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Sure.
[22:53] D. D.: what is it again you are collecting this information for?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: We are a group of English major students from Taiwan.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: There is a journalistic course this semester, and the final assignment is to hold a project.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: Our group has decided to make a project about why people would post their SL news on CNN iReport.
[22:54] D. D.: what is the name of the university?
[22:55] Brooke Yven: National Central University, Taiwan.
[22:55] Brooke Yven:
[22:55] Brooke Yven: Here is our class blog.
[22:55] D. D.: thank yuu.. well I reccommend you talk to jim sella
[22:55] D. D.: he does alot of i reports
[22:56] Brooke Yven: I remember one of my member had done intervie him...I guess.
[22:56] D. D.: oh ok good
[22:56] Brooke Yven: But I'll make sure of it.
[22:56] Brooke Yven: Thank you for reminding me of this. :D
[22:56] D. D.: your welcome
[22:57] D. D.: and Im happy to help
[22:57] Brooke Yven: This is a fantastic place I must say... hope you have a good day today.
[22:57] Brooke Yven: see you.
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.
[2009/06/15 18:43] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: hi
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your acception. I'm Brooke Yven, who invited you to join in our journalistic project.
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: oh yes
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Are you free now to have the interview?
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: I saw a message from you on it
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: im sorry but I wont be free until about 9PM sl time
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: maybe a little sooner
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Well...I'll be free at 11pm.
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Will you have time then?
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I think that will be fine yes
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: but no later than that please
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I live in sl time in rl
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Ok. Then I'll come back at then and I'll hold the interview with you then, too.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: There are only simple questions.
[2009/06/15 18:48] D. D.: ok thank you
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: It could be finished within 30 mins.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: See you then. :D
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[22:22] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[22:22] D. D.: hello
[22:22] D. D.: I am free now
[22:22] Brooke Yven: So, where are you prefer to have the interview?
[22:23] D. D.: it does not matter to me
[22:23] D. D.: my home or?
[22:23] Brooke Yven: It's okay.
[22:23] Brooke Yven: If you don't mind, I can interview you at your home. :)
[22:23] D. D.: ok ill send tp
[22:27] D. D.: we can talk here
[22:27] Brooke Yven: First we'll start with 7 background information questions.
[22:27] D. D.: ok
[22:27] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[22:27] Brooke Yven: I mean RL.
[22:27] D. D.: rl or sl?
[22:27] D. D.: oh
[22:28] D. D.: 31
[22:28] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 2. gender?
[22:28] D. D.: female
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 3. Where is your location in RL?
[22:28] D. D.: California
[22:29] Brooke Yven: 4. What is your RL occupation?
[22:29] D. D.: manegement training - hotel industry
[22:30] Brooke Yven: Btw, do you think there is any relation between your career and your purpose to report news in CNN?
[22:30] D. D.: no
[22:30] D. D.: not my rl career
[22:30] D. D.: I do work in sl too
[22:30] D. D.: and it has everything to do with that
[22:30] Brooke Yven: ok.
[22:30] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[22:31] D. D.: oh since about a week after they got here to sl but I dont remeber when that was
[22:31] Brooke Yven: they?
[22:31] D. D.: cnn
[22:32] Brooke Yven: So you joined iReport right after they had a site here?
[22:32] D. D.: yes
[22:32] Brooke Yven: It seems to be a long time, I believe.
[22:32] D. D.: yes over a year I think
[22:32] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:32] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[22:33] D. D.: that varies .. actually I have not submitted one in several months
[22:33] D. D.: ive mostly been writing for sl newspaper and some magazines
[22:33] Brooke Yven: So you actually seldom post your news there.
[22:34] D. D.: not anymore no.. but I may if I feel like it
[22:34] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:34] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[22:34] D. D.: publicity
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Your magazine?
[22:35] D. D.: no
[22:35] D. D.: for whatever evevent I happenned to write about
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:35] D. D.: event*
[22:35] Brooke Yven: So you make a record of your sl life in CNN?
[22:36] D. D.: not exactly
[22:36] D. D.: there have been some events that I worked on and I simply wrote about them on ireport to gain publicty
[22:36] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Then let's move to the next part: CNN iReporter experiences.
[22:37] D. D.: ok
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[22:38] D. D.: ease of submitting.. high profile of the service...
[22:38] Brooke Yven: So you were enjoying the service and liberity to submit your news there?
[22:38] D. D.: yes
[22:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:39] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[22:40] D. D.: hmm.. well Im a huge fan of live music in sl so thats one.. also im into sailing so I like the sailing groups... and I work for a Television network in sl so im those groups too
[22:40] D. D.: places...
[22:40] D. D.: thats hard
[22:40] D. D.: I have 100 favorite places
[22:40] D. D.: lol
[22:40] D. D.: but probably
[22:41] D. D.: the United Sailing Sims
[22:41] D. D.: where we are now
[22:41] D. D.: is my #1 fav
[22:41] Brooke Yven: So, do you report these your favorite people or places often?
[22:43] D. D.: pretty much yes.. but not so much on ireport anymore.. instead i go for the livve music magazine and sailing magazine
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Ok. I got it.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Then the next one.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[22:44] D. D.: well like i said they are usually about events or people Iknow so Ijust hear about them I dont go looking for stories
[22:44] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[22:45] D. D.: on tv you mean?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Have you ever noticed any kind of news would have more chances to be chosen as headline in the web-site?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: in CNN iReport?
[22:46] D. D.: well im not sure really but Iknow that one of my stories made it to CNN TV. It was about the 9/11 memorial we did here in sl
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[22:47] D. D.: target is anyone who uses sl.. how do Iknow what?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: How do you know who have read your report?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: your news.
[22:48] D. D.: unless they happen to tel me they read it I dont know
[22:48] D. D.: I onlyknow how many read it
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Then you seldome respond the comments? or there were little comments?
[22:49] D. D.: very few comments and I seldom respond
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Ok, I see.
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[22:50] D. D.: current events
[22:50] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Then, the last one.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[22:51] D. D.: I think the only limit is the file size of a picture and maybe how many words im really not sure but the rules are posted on the submission page
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: So there were little difficulties you met?
[22:52] D. D.: ive not run into any difficullties
[22:52] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Okay. We have done the interview.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources.
[22:53] D. D.: can I ask you afew questions?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: :D
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Sure.
[22:53] D. D.: what is it again you are collecting this information for?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: We are a group of English major students from Taiwan.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: There is a journalistic course this semester, and the final assignment is to hold a project.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: Our group has decided to make a project about why people would post their SL news on CNN iReport.
[22:54] D. D.: what is the name of the university?
[22:55] Brooke Yven: National Central University, Taiwan.
[22:55] Brooke Yven:
[22:55] Brooke Yven: Here is our class blog.
[22:55] D. D.: thank yuu.. well I reccommend you talk to jim sella
[22:55] D. D.: he does alot of i reports
[22:56] Brooke Yven: I remember one of my member had done intervie him...I guess.
[22:56] D. D.: oh ok good
[22:56] Brooke Yven: But I'll make sure of it.
[22:56] Brooke Yven: Thank you for reminding me of this. :D
[22:56] D. D.: your welcome
[22:57] D. D.: and Im happy to help
[22:57] Brooke Yven: This is a fantastic place I must say... hope you have a good day today.
[22:57] Brooke Yven: see you.
Interview with B. C. on Jun, 16th
The interview was hold on June, 16, 2009, morning. At B. C.’s home.
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.
[17:45] B. C. is Online
[17:45] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[17:45] Connected
[18:05] Teleport completed from
[18:05] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:05] Connected
[18:05] B. C.: hi sorry it took me so long
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Hello.:D
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Nice to meet you.
[18:06] B. C.: yes same here
[18:06] B. C.: this is my SL home
[18:06] Brooke Yven: It's okay. I am the one bothering you.
[18:06] B. C.: I just opened up a gallery
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your time.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Let's get it start?
[18:06] B. C.: sure
[18:07] Brooke Yven: First with 7 background information questions
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[18:07] B. C.: 48
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 2. Gender?
[18:07] B. C.: Female
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 3. Where do you live in RL?
[18:07] B. C.: New Jersey USA
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 4. and your RL occupation?
[18:08] B. C.: medical librarian
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[18:08] B. C.: for about 2 years off and on
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[18:09] B. C.: not that often this year, I used to submit more last year when Healthinfo Island was more active
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Btw, is there any relation between your career and your purpose to report news on CNN?
[18:10] B. C.: not directly but I do alot of work in SL with health care related exhibits so I like to promote our work in here
[18:10] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:11] B. C.: I recently began to do RL work in SL under my RL library's name
[18:11] Brooke Yven: How do you perform this?
[18:12] B. C.: through special activities, such as giving a presentation on Info Island for library students or working on a special consumer health exhibit
[18:13] B. C.: i do that on work time
[18:13] Brooke Yven: Oh, so these are not related to news reporting.
[18:13] B. C.: yes and no....after the event or exhibit I then would create a report about it
[18:14] B. C.: and now my RL library has a blog so I now will link to the ireport
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Okay. I see.
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Let's move on to the next.
[18:14] B. C.: kind of a big loop
[18:14] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[18:14] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 adores you.
[18:14] B. C.: to raise awareness about certain health care related activities in SL
[18:15] B. C.: *activities
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Then it's time for the second part: CNN ireporter experiences.
[18:15] B. C.: ok
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[18:16] Brooke Yven: Did you begin this because of your career?
[18:17] B. C.: yes and no lol...i've been working in SL for nearly 3 years now and it was on my own time. But I felt that eventually my RL job would catch up to emergent technology and it has
[18:17] B. C.: so now I am teaching workshops at my RL job about SL and can then report on it
[18:17] B. C.: so reporting has helped develop my career indirectly
[18:17] Brooke Yven: Ok. I understand.
[18:18] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[18:18] B. C.: I enjoy the librarians and educators in SL..they are an active, creative group
[18:18] B. C.: I also am active with the church movement in SL
[18:19] Brooke Yven: Then, do you usually report these group or people that you meet in SL?
[18:19] B. C.: I have in the past....but now mostly on my blog
[18:20] Brooke Yven: Then, is there focus group of your reporting? Like your librial activities and groups?
[18:21] B. C.: I usually will report on something specific...such as I led a tour group in SL for first time educators and took them around health sims. I wrote about that
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[18:21] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:22] B. C.: I'm guilty of self-promotion lol...i report mostly on my own activities I'm involved in or create
[18:22] Brooke Yven: It looks like you report things relates to you.
[18:22] B. C.: yes lol
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Yes, I can tell.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: ok, next one.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[18:23] B. C.: oh i think that unfortunately its the sex stuff that makes the cut...and not education or health care issues in SL
[18:23] Brooke Yven: Woo, ok.
[18:23] Brooke Yven: I wondered this would happen in SL only...
[18:24] Brooke Yven: You're the first one who gives a certain answer to this question.
[18:24] B. C.: its titillating and people are fascinated about sex in virtual reality so I can understand but SL is so much ore
[18:24] B. C.: more
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[18:24] B. C.: good question ...I assume that if i write about health care education and training a certain audience will automatically be interested in it
[18:25] B. C.: not sure if thats right nor wrong
[18:25] Brooke Yven: Yes, so you have a certain target readers.
[18:25] B. C.: i hope with tag words that people looking for this material will pull it up
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I see.
[18:26] B. C.: as a librarian I think of key terms :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: That's what I thought. :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I love libraries, too.
[18:26] B. C.: did you know there are over 1500 librarians working in SL?
[18:27] Brooke Yven: Not at all.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: I've only reached SL since this semester.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: SL isn't so popular among Taiwan.
[18:27] B. C.: its very popular in europe
[18:27] B. C.: USA is behind them
[18:28] Brooke Yven: I can tell. according to people I met here.
[18:28] B. C.: I try to promote SL as an educational platform as much as I can
[18:28] Brooke Yven: Our school is the second school having SL as teaching material in Taiwan.
[18:29] B. C.: you are very lucky to be exposed to this technology :)
[18:29] B. C.: I hope you take the time to enjoy it beyond working
[18:29] Brooke Yven: yes, I think so . But there is a problem that I get dizzy in 3D environment easily...
[18:29] Brooke Yven: lol
[18:29] B. C.: oh interesting ....
[18:30] B. C.: maybe you need to find camera control
[18:30] Brooke Yven: I enjoy this place but feel uncomfortable of this.
[18:30] Brooke Yven: camera control?
[18:30] B. C.: the more you are here the more immersive you will feel
[18:30] B. C.: yes some people zoom in too much
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Brooke Yven: So there is anything I can do to ease my problem?
[18:32] B. C.: well do you see over your head or do you see your face?
[18:32] Brooke Yven: I see behind my head.
[18:32] B. C.: maybe it would be helpful to turn your camera around....
[18:32] B. C.: you do that with alt and arrow keys
[18:33] B. C.: you will spin the camera around and see yourself
[18:33] B. C.: then scroll out to see long range
[18:33] Brooke Yven: Oh, Isee.
[18:33] B. C.: might help
[18:33] Brooke Yven: I'll try it later, thank you. But let't get it back to the questions. lol
[18:33] B. C.: yes
[18:34] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[18:34] B. C.: I think its topics of sex, psychology of people behind the avatars and fashion
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:35] B. C.: oh music too and how people make money in SL
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Something like the former interviewee said, "human interest".
[18:35] B. C.: yes i was an english major so i'm more wordy LOL
[18:36] Brooke Yven: hahaha
[18:36] Brooke Yven: okay, the last one.
[18:36] Brooke Yven: It's really fast I think...
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[18:36] B. C.: oh! glad you asked that!
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Is it?
[18:36] B. C.: its the software!
[18:36] B. C.: I found the site really cumbersome
[18:37] B. C.: that wasmy only obstacle, not writing the article
[18:37] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:37] Brooke Yven: The first interviewee said that, too.
[18:37] B. C.: i'd post more in fact if it were easier
[18:37] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 watches Brooke Yven adoringly.
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Excuse me, so the software you meant was?
[18:38] B. C.: I guess the cnn ireport site
[18:38] B. C.: where i'd post the article
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:39] B. C.: maybe software is wrong word
[18:39] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 loves B. C.!
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Well, it is included.
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Great, we've done!
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources!
[18:40] B. C.: hope i was helpful
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Indeed. :D
[18:40] Brooke Yven: And Let me take a pic with you...
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Ok, thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: am i close enough?
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:41] Brooke Yven: It's a very nice home. :D
[18:41] Brooke Yven: So beautiful.
[18:41] B. C.: yes i love it here
[18:41] B. C.: its very peacful
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Okay. Thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: take care and ty for your patience
[18:41] Brooke Yven: You, too.
[18:42] Brooke Yven: See you.
[18:42] B. C.: bye bye ;)
[18:42] Teleport completed from
[18:42] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:42] Connected
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.
[17:45] B. C. is Online
[17:45] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[17:45] Connected
[18:05] Teleport completed from
[18:05] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:05] Connected
[18:05] B. C.: hi sorry it took me so long
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Hello.:D
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Nice to meet you.
[18:06] B. C.: yes same here
[18:06] B. C.: this is my SL home
[18:06] Brooke Yven: It's okay. I am the one bothering you.
[18:06] B. C.: I just opened up a gallery
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your time.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Let's get it start?
[18:06] B. C.: sure
[18:07] Brooke Yven: First with 7 background information questions
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[18:07] B. C.: 48
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 2. Gender?
[18:07] B. C.: Female
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 3. Where do you live in RL?
[18:07] B. C.: New Jersey USA
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 4. and your RL occupation?
[18:08] B. C.: medical librarian
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[18:08] B. C.: for about 2 years off and on
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[18:09] B. C.: not that often this year, I used to submit more last year when Healthinfo Island was more active
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Btw, is there any relation between your career and your purpose to report news on CNN?
[18:10] B. C.: not directly but I do alot of work in SL with health care related exhibits so I like to promote our work in here
[18:10] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:11] B. C.: I recently began to do RL work in SL under my RL library's name
[18:11] Brooke Yven: How do you perform this?
[18:12] B. C.: through special activities, such as giving a presentation on Info Island for library students or working on a special consumer health exhibit
[18:13] B. C.: i do that on work time
[18:13] Brooke Yven: Oh, so these are not related to news reporting.
[18:13] B. C.: yes and no....after the event or exhibit I then would create a report about it
[18:14] B. C.: and now my RL library has a blog so I now will link to the ireport
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Okay. I see.
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Let's move on to the next.
[18:14] B. C.: kind of a big loop
[18:14] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[18:14] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 adores you.
[18:14] B. C.: to raise awareness about certain health care related activities in SL
[18:15] B. C.: *activities
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Then it's time for the second part: CNN ireporter experiences.
[18:15] B. C.: ok
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[18:16] Brooke Yven: Did you begin this because of your career?
[18:17] B. C.: yes and no lol...i've been working in SL for nearly 3 years now and it was on my own time. But I felt that eventually my RL job would catch up to emergent technology and it has
[18:17] B. C.: so now I am teaching workshops at my RL job about SL and can then report on it
[18:17] B. C.: so reporting has helped develop my career indirectly
[18:17] Brooke Yven: Ok. I understand.
[18:18] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[18:18] B. C.: I enjoy the librarians and educators in SL..they are an active, creative group
[18:18] B. C.: I also am active with the church movement in SL
[18:19] Brooke Yven: Then, do you usually report these group or people that you meet in SL?
[18:19] B. C.: I have in the past....but now mostly on my blog
[18:20] Brooke Yven: Then, is there focus group of your reporting? Like your librial activities and groups?
[18:21] B. C.: I usually will report on something specific...such as I led a tour group in SL for first time educators and took them around health sims. I wrote about that
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[18:21] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:22] B. C.: I'm guilty of self-promotion lol...i report mostly on my own activities I'm involved in or create
[18:22] Brooke Yven: It looks like you report things relates to you.
[18:22] B. C.: yes lol
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Yes, I can tell.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: ok, next one.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[18:23] B. C.: oh i think that unfortunately its the sex stuff that makes the cut...and not education or health care issues in SL
[18:23] Brooke Yven: Woo, ok.
[18:23] Brooke Yven: I wondered this would happen in SL only...
[18:24] Brooke Yven: You're the first one who gives a certain answer to this question.
[18:24] B. C.: its titillating and people are fascinated about sex in virtual reality so I can understand but SL is so much ore
[18:24] B. C.: more
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[18:24] B. C.: good question ...I assume that if i write about health care education and training a certain audience will automatically be interested in it
[18:25] B. C.: not sure if thats right nor wrong
[18:25] Brooke Yven: Yes, so you have a certain target readers.
[18:25] B. C.: i hope with tag words that people looking for this material will pull it up
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I see.
[18:26] B. C.: as a librarian I think of key terms :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: That's what I thought. :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I love libraries, too.
[18:26] B. C.: did you know there are over 1500 librarians working in SL?
[18:27] Brooke Yven: Not at all.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: I've only reached SL since this semester.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: SL isn't so popular among Taiwan.
[18:27] B. C.: its very popular in europe
[18:27] B. C.: USA is behind them
[18:28] Brooke Yven: I can tell. according to people I met here.
[18:28] B. C.: I try to promote SL as an educational platform as much as I can
[18:28] Brooke Yven: Our school is the second school having SL as teaching material in Taiwan.
[18:29] B. C.: you are very lucky to be exposed to this technology :)
[18:29] B. C.: I hope you take the time to enjoy it beyond working
[18:29] Brooke Yven: yes, I think so . But there is a problem that I get dizzy in 3D environment easily...
[18:29] Brooke Yven: lol
[18:29] B. C.: oh interesting ....
[18:30] B. C.: maybe you need to find camera control
[18:30] Brooke Yven: I enjoy this place but feel uncomfortable of this.
[18:30] Brooke Yven: camera control?
[18:30] B. C.: the more you are here the more immersive you will feel
[18:30] B. C.: yes some people zoom in too much
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Brooke Yven: So there is anything I can do to ease my problem?
[18:32] B. C.: well do you see over your head or do you see your face?
[18:32] Brooke Yven: I see behind my head.
[18:32] B. C.: maybe it would be helpful to turn your camera around....
[18:32] B. C.: you do that with alt and arrow keys
[18:33] B. C.: you will spin the camera around and see yourself
[18:33] B. C.: then scroll out to see long range
[18:33] Brooke Yven: Oh, Isee.
[18:33] B. C.: might help
[18:33] Brooke Yven: I'll try it later, thank you. But let't get it back to the questions. lol
[18:33] B. C.: yes
[18:34] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[18:34] B. C.: I think its topics of sex, psychology of people behind the avatars and fashion
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:35] B. C.: oh music too and how people make money in SL
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Something like the former interviewee said, "human interest".
[18:35] B. C.: yes i was an english major so i'm more wordy LOL
[18:36] Brooke Yven: hahaha
[18:36] Brooke Yven: okay, the last one.
[18:36] Brooke Yven: It's really fast I think...
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[18:36] B. C.: oh! glad you asked that!
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Is it?
[18:36] B. C.: its the software!
[18:36] B. C.: I found the site really cumbersome
[18:37] B. C.: that wasmy only obstacle, not writing the article
[18:37] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:37] Brooke Yven: The first interviewee said that, too.
[18:37] B. C.: i'd post more in fact if it were easier
[18:37] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 watches Brooke Yven adoringly.
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Excuse me, so the software you meant was?
[18:38] B. C.: I guess the cnn ireport site
[18:38] B. C.: where i'd post the article
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:39] B. C.: maybe software is wrong word
[18:39] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 loves B. C.!
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Well, it is included.
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Great, we've done!
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources!
[18:40] B. C.: hope i was helpful
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Indeed. :D
[18:40] Brooke Yven: And Let me take a pic with you...
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Ok, thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: am i close enough?
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:41] Brooke Yven: It's a very nice home. :D
[18:41] Brooke Yven: So beautiful.
[18:41] B. C.: yes i love it here
[18:41] B. C.: its very peacful
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Okay. Thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: take care and ty for your patience
[18:41] Brooke Yven: You, too.
[18:42] Brooke Yven: See you.
[18:42] B. C.: bye bye ;)
[18:42] Teleport completed from
[18:42] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:42] Connected
2009年6月16日 星期二
Questions for CNN iReporters
Purpose: To find out the essence and conditions of news reporting in CNN iReport, especially focus on Second Life (SL) stories reporting. The information you provide will all be anonymous and used for research.
Part A: Background Information
1. Age:
2. Gender:
3. Real Life (RL) Location:
4. RL occupation:
5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
Part B: iReport Experiences
Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
Thank you for your sources.
Part A: Background Information
1. Age:
2. Gender:
3. Real Life (RL) Location:
4. RL occupation:
5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
Part B: iReport Experiences
Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
Thank you for your sources.
Group Project report on 06/15
We were totally frustrated last week. It seemed whatever topic we chose, it would be ended up in vain at the last step. None of the interviewees replied our questionnaire by Wednesday last week. It was the second time we met this situation. We found no people to receive our interview. We had thought the situation would become better since the places we visited this time were famous and the members there were insured by teacher that they were kind people. However, they ended up helping us at the last moment. They suddenly disappeared after receiving our questionnaire. This result was according to the connecter of our group, Alina. Speak frankly, after encountering these failures, I really wanted to quit doing this project for I had not been so interested in it at the beginning. And staying on Second Life (SL) really made me sick. I got dizzy within 30 minutes whenever I got on-line recently.
Well, but we still worked hard on it in order to fulfill the final project. Although I invested no dream in it, being a student, it is my duty to complete every project and assignment I am responsible for. Maybe god has witnessed our hard-working, thing has become better after we changed our project topic. We decided to survey the CNN iReporters on SL. There were plenty of interviewees for us to ask for an interview so we were more confident this time to find our interviewees. We sent invitations to at least 10 CNN iReporters each one and waited for their responds. So far we have received 5 replies by June 14. During these interviews, I found some of the iReporters have their purpose in reporting their news on CNN iReport. And I have the same emotion with them. Finding people who have the same dream as me makes me feel better when doing this project. The following are the pictures I took with my interviewees.
2009年6月8日 星期一
Group Project report on 06/03
Our homework was to formulate our questionnaire and we have successfully done this by today. We have decided to divide into two groups, owners and students, to make the interview from two different aspects to observe the English teaching in Second Life (SL).
However, the process of searching for the other place to make our interview was not so smoothly as making these questionnaires. I had tried to find four possible places on Internet and search them in SL but in vain. Two of them were not built in SL; one were none members for me to make an interview to, there the avatars were like Non-Player-Computers (NPCs), whatever I asked them would receive no reply; the other one is the same one I found last time, where it was not able to teleport to. What was even worse, Lin replied me that she was going to give up interviewing “ESL”! She told me she had received rude treatments from the owner of “ESL” and decided to quit it for him having no willing to receive our interview. Well, it seemed our research had come to a dead end. There was no answer from “English Town”, either. I began thinking about changing the topic from “English teaching” into “how English teaching is known by everyone in Second Life” because the English teaching centers were empty or hard to find. I remembered there was only one interviewee knowing SL be a teaching material during my last interview.Luckily, after meeting with teacher today, we have got great support. Teacher listened to our dilemma and gives us some new places, “EduNation” and “Secondlife English”, to pay a visit to. These are places where foreign professors getting together and exchange their teaching experiences in SL. We believe this time the chances would be bigger to find new interviewees for us. If we can find a professor, he/she would probably give us a chance to visit his/her class.
Our homework was to formulate our questionnaire and we have successfully done this by today. We have decided to divide into two groups, owners and students, to make the interview from two different aspects to observe the English teaching in Second Life (SL).
However, the process of searching for the other place to make our interview was not so smoothly as making these questionnaires. I had tried to find four possible places on Internet and search them in SL but in vain. Two of them were not built in SL; one were none members for me to make an interview to, there the avatars were like Non-Player-Computers (NPCs), whatever I asked them would receive no reply; the other one is the same one I found last time, where it was not able to teleport to. What was even worse, Lin replied me that she was going to give up interviewing “ESL”! She told me she had received rude treatments from the owner of “ESL” and decided to quit it for him having no willing to receive our interview. Well, it seemed our research had come to a dead end. There was no answer from “English Town”, either. I began thinking about changing the topic from “English teaching” into “how English teaching is known by everyone in Second Life” because the English teaching centers were empty or hard to find. I remembered there was only one interviewee knowing SL be a teaching material during my last interview.Luckily, after meeting with teacher today, we have got great support. Teacher listened to our dilemma and gives us some new places, “EduNation” and “Secondlife English”, to pay a visit to. These are places where foreign professors getting together and exchange their teaching experiences in SL. We believe this time the chances would be bigger to find new interviewees for us. If we can find a professor, he/she would probably give us a chance to visit his/her class.
Group Project Discusion on 05/27
Having no patience in children, I had considered myself not suitable for being a teacher. So I was not so interested in making a research of English teaching at first.
But it was better doing something than idle. Therefore, when Lin suggested adopt this topic, I made no objection.
Had learned from teacher and former interviewers, I knew there were people using Second Life (SL) as teaching material indeed and I wondered there must be many chances to meet. However, there were only a few places found according to key words like “English”, “English teaching”, “ESL” and “second language” and some of them were even not able to be teleported to. It was out of my surprise that we came to our first difficulty so quick. Until meeting with teacher in SL today, we had found only 2 places, “English Town” and “ESL”. I mentioned the former and Lin gave the latter.
“English Town” is actually a solid company, which is named “EF”, in real world (RL). It is responsible for most abroad studies in England. In my opinion, to find it is really lucky because it is a big and famous company and the equipment and environment it provides in SL are really nice. But the fact knocks me down again because I cannot find anyone there to make an interview to. The last way I have is to send an instant message (IM) to the owner to ask and wait for a chance to interview him/her.
“ESL” was found by Lin due to her friend, who had once taught in “ESL”. And we are lucky enough to have her willing to give us a class if we need. But after we visited “ESL”, there is the same problem with “English Town”. We can find no one there, either. Guessing we came at the wrong time, so we also send an IM to the owner by everyone to ask for an interview chance.During the time to wait for their responses, we are going to find the other place to visit and to make our interview. Because I have to stay home, where the computer isn’t good enough to get on SL, during the following weekend, I will search for possibilities on Internet.
Having no patience in children, I had considered myself not suitable for being a teacher. So I was not so interested in making a research of English teaching at first.
But it was better doing something than idle. Therefore, when Lin suggested adopt this topic, I made no objection.
Had learned from teacher and former interviewers, I knew there were people using Second Life (SL) as teaching material indeed and I wondered there must be many chances to meet. However, there were only a few places found according to key words like “English”, “English teaching”, “ESL” and “second language” and some of them were even not able to be teleported to. It was out of my surprise that we came to our first difficulty so quick. Until meeting with teacher in SL today, we had found only 2 places, “English Town” and “ESL”. I mentioned the former and Lin gave the latter.
“English Town” is actually a solid company, which is named “EF”, in real world (RL). It is responsible for most abroad studies in England. In my opinion, to find it is really lucky because it is a big and famous company and the equipment and environment it provides in SL are really nice. But the fact knocks me down again because I cannot find anyone there to make an interview to. The last way I have is to send an instant message (IM) to the owner to ask and wait for a chance to interview him/her.
“ESL” was found by Lin due to her friend, who had once taught in “ESL”. And we are lucky enough to have her willing to give us a class if we need. But after we visited “ESL”, there is the same problem with “English Town”. We can find no one there, either. Guessing we came at the wrong time, so we also send an IM to the owner by everyone to ask for an interview chance.During the time to wait for their responses, we are going to find the other place to visit and to make our interview. Because I have to stay home, where the computer isn’t good enough to get on SL, during the following weekend, I will search for possibilities on Internet.
2009年6月3日 星期三
Interview questions for English town
Purpose: How do they teach English in SL and what is the result?
1. Since you have a solid company in real life (RL) already, what is your purpose to establish a teaching site here in SL? (skip this question if you don’t have a solid company in RL)
2. Do you think teaching English in SL is more or less effective than that in RL? Why?
3. What are the opportunities of willing to learn English in SL for you to discover?
4. What kinds of service/skills/tools of teaching English do you provide here in SL?
5. How do you arrange the class schedule in your company? Why?
6. In what ways of having English classes do you use in SL? (For example, classes in text, voice, etc.) Which one is the most effective and the second most effective, etc.? How is each one effective in its way?
7. What are the difficulties, which seldom appear in RL, in teaching English in SL? Do you have to change the teaching methods in SL from RL?
8. What are the advantages, which seldom appear in RL, of teaching English in SL?
9. How do you know what the students in your company learn from the classes? (For example, do u have tests?)
10. What are the biggest difficulties and the advantages of students’ learning English in SL?
11. Are the purposes, willing or other learning situations of English learners in SL the same as that in RL?Are there any specialties of your company’s way of teaching English compared with other English-teaching companies in SL?
1. Since you have a solid company in real life (RL) already, what is your purpose to establish a teaching site here in SL? (skip this question if you don’t have a solid company in RL)
2. Do you think teaching English in SL is more or less effective than that in RL? Why?
3. What are the opportunities of willing to learn English in SL for you to discover?
4. What kinds of service/skills/tools of teaching English do you provide here in SL?
5. How do you arrange the class schedule in your company? Why?
6. In what ways of having English classes do you use in SL? (For example, classes in text, voice, etc.) Which one is the most effective and the second most effective, etc.? How is each one effective in its way?
7. What are the difficulties, which seldom appear in RL, in teaching English in SL? Do you have to change the teaching methods in SL from RL?
8. What are the advantages, which seldom appear in RL, of teaching English in SL?
9. How do you know what the students in your company learn from the classes? (For example, do u have tests?)
10. What are the biggest difficulties and the advantages of students’ learning English in SL?
11. Are the purposes, willing or other learning situations of English learners in SL the same as that in RL?Are there any specialties of your company’s way of teaching English compared with other English-teaching companies in SL?
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