Second Life (SL) is an on-line game (OLG) which seems to have the possibility becoming a common teaching material in the future. It has many functions and unlike other OLGs in Taiwan, SL does not set goals for people to do hunting to upgrade. It is like its name “Second Life” that people are merely having their second lives here. So, what is fun of this OLG? What is so special with SL that people around the whole world gathering here playing it and why does it has the potential to be a teaching material? This report has interviewed some players on SL and found out the answer.
Rex Emor, Lailani Delvalle and Chloe Bonham are three experienced players who frequently stay in the avatar village and accept this interview. The following texts are the questions they have been asked and their answers are concluded in the last paragraph.

-Why do you use SL?
-What do you mostly spend time on SL?
-What function of SL do you like the best?
-What function of SL do you want to try the most?
-Do you know there are an amount of foreign college students using SL as a course material? What do you think the purpose they use SL for?
According to the answers given by them, people on SL merely doing three things, chatting and making friends, having virtual sex and exploring SL. These seem to be far from study; however, the most special thing with SL is that it affords a good opportunity for people to meet foreigners from different places around the world and become friends and since it provides so good chance for people to chat with foreigners here, it is a good way to learn a foreigner language. That is why it would be a popular course material among the world one day.