It is said in the last news that Second Life (SL) would become more and more popular and well-known among the world in the future; however, according to the interviewees’ opinions, there is another attractive reason of SL towards its users. It is besides the convenience it provides for people to communicate with people from all over the world at will that SL also affords users to have visual sex. This makes SL much different from other On-line Games (OLG). To fulfill the other OLG players’ curiousness, this news is going to reveal this mysterious feature of SL about how to perform this action in SL.
Basically, all the actions of avatars are designed by a function called “Script” and these scripts can be designed attaching to some objects. That means, amazingly, avatars can do some particular actions, which are not designed at first, by touching certain things in SL. Take dance for example. Avatars are not equipped with the ability to dance; however, if an avatar touches a dance pole, he/she would be able to do strip dance immediately. What is more, SL is unlike other OLGs only providing well-done objects to users; it also allows users to have more liberties in interacting with it, including creating things in SL. Thus it gave birth to the performance of sex. Users are free to create whatever objects they want to make so objects attached with sex actions are made as well and the performance of sex becomes possible. As a result, SL nowadays draws more users to seek for visual sex instead of other purposes.
[1:19] Heather Alenquer: yes i think so
回覆刪除[1:19] Alina Roxley: so i'm organizer
[1:20] alicealice Zepp: Ya I am reading
[1:20] Brooke Yven: I'm talking about the script in SL.
[1:21] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[1:22] alicealice Zepp: I notice you mention the last news
[1:22] alicealice Zepp: but I think not everyone has the chance to read it
[1:22] Brooke Yven: lol
[1:22] Brooke Yven: Oh, yes.
[1:23] Brooke Yven: Um...should I introduce more about my news?
[1:23] alicealice Zepp: OK
[1:24] Heather Alenquer: ok
[1:24] alicealice Zepp: your topic is?
[1:24] Brooke Yven: Basically it talks about the most difference between SL and other on-line games (OLG).
[1:24] alicealice Zepp: Um
[1:24] Brooke Yven: And which attracts a lot of people here in SL for sex.
[1:25] Brooke Yven: That is the "script".
[1:25] alicealice Zepp: Ya
[1:25] Heather Alenquer: script is like menu or something like that?
[1:26] Brooke Yven: It is an action design.
[1:26] Brooke Yven: It designs what action your avatar would perform.
[1:26] alicealice Zepp: so you focus on visual sex or the action design?
[1:26] Brooke Yven: I also take the dancing pole as example.
[1:26] Brooke Yven: Script.
[1:27] Brooke Yven: But the reason why I write about this is due to the last news.
[1:27] Heather Alenquer: so it is basically telling how do people perform sex?
[1:27] Brooke Yven: which mentioned that most people come to SL for sex.
[1:27] Heather Alenquer: the theme
[1:27] alicealice Zepp: but in your fist paragraph you says sex make SL more different
[1:28] Heather Alenquer: ok
[1:28] alicealice Zepp: so, visual sex is not your big point at all?
[1:28] Brooke Yven: I think the theme is trying to tell others who don't use SL about why SL would attract people.
[1:29] Heather Alenquer: i see
[1:29] Heather Alenquer: it is your main point
[1:29] alicealice Zepp: Oh I see
[1:29] Brooke Yven: to have sex is a 次主題 for it.
[1:30] Heather Alenquer: so you take pic of dancing ?
[1:30] Brooke Yven: subordinate topic.
[1:30] Heather Alenquer: is that?
[1:31] Brooke Yven: It is the pic for example.
[1:31] alicealice Zepp: it is good but you can make your theme more clearly in the first paragraph
[1:31] Brooke Yven: Um, I'll try later.
[1:32] alicealice Zepp: it is what I want to suggest
[1:33] Heather Alenquer: um maybe you can take some examples of where sex occurs
[1:33] alicealice Zepp: because I think some readers may misunderstand that your topic is merely visual sex instead of the action design
[1:33] Brooke Yven: Oh, that's right.
[1:33] Heather Alenquer: i just think
[1:33] Heather Alenquer: i think that would be interesting
[1:34] Heather Alenquer: but i think the topic sentence is clear
[1:34] Heather Alenquer: the last sentence of the first paragraph
[1:35] Brooke Yven: Well, I was once wondered whether my theme would be misunderstood; but the topic sentence seems to be enough...
[1:35] alicealice Zepp: On, ya
[1:35] Heather Alenquer: um so the sex point is not strong
[1:36] Brooke Yven: Sex action is one part of script.
[1:36] Brooke Yven: afterall.
[1:36] Heather Alenquer: yes
[1:37] Brooke Yven: Although it is merely part of script; it draws the most people come to SL.
[1:38] Heather Alenquer: it is interesting to add some extra information of sex part
[1:39] Brooke Yven: The reason why I mentioned about sex is merely because there are most people come to SL for this.
[1:39] Heather Alenquer: but then you have to take adventure to enter the "Mature" region
[1:39] Alina Roxley: people expect to read about sex from ur first paragraph
[1:39] Heather Alenquer: XD
[1:39] Brooke Yven: And I guess people who haven't reached SL would be curious about this.
The reader and the editor’s opinions are as follows:
1. Introduce more about the news in the first paragraph because not everyone reads the previous news.
2. Make the theme (script but not sex) clearer in the first paragraph to avoid people’s being confused about the main idea of the news.
3. Make examples of where sex occurs or give more information about sex.