We were totally frustrated last week. It seemed whatever topic we chose, it would be ended up in vain at the last step. None of the interviewees replied our questionnaire by Wednesday last week. It was the second time we met this situation. We found no people to receive our interview. We had thought the situation would become better since the places we visited this time were famous and the members there were insured by teacher that they were kind people. However, they ended up helping us at the last moment. They suddenly disappeared after receiving our questionnaire. This result was according to the connecter of our group, Alina. Speak frankly, after encountering these failures, I really wanted to quit doing this project for I had not been so interested in it at the beginning. And staying on Second Life (SL) really made me sick. I got dizzy within 30 minutes whenever I got on-line recently.
Well, but we still worked hard on it in order to fulfill the final project. Although I invested no dream in it, being a student, it is my duty to complete every project and assignment I am responsible for. Maybe god has witnessed our hard-working, thing has become better after we changed our project topic. We decided to survey the CNN iReporters on SL. There were plenty of interviewees for us to ask for an interview so we were more confident this time to find our interviewees. We sent invitations to at least 10 CNN iReporters each one and waited for their responds. So far we have received 5 replies by June 14. During these interviews, I found some of the iReporters have their purpose in reporting their news on CNN iReport. And I have the same emotion with them. Finding people who have the same dream as me makes me feel better when doing this project. The following are the pictures I took with my interviewees.
