Interview with D. D. on June 16, 2009, morning at her home
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.

[2009/06/15 18:43] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: hi
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your acception. I'm Brooke Yven, who invited you to join in our journalistic project.
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: oh yes
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Are you free now to have the interview?
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: I saw a message from you on it
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: im sorry but I wont be free until about 9PM sl time
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: maybe a little sooner
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Well...I'll be free at 11pm.
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Will you have time then?
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I think that will be fine yes
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: but no later than that please
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I live in sl time in rl
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Ok. Then I'll come back at then and I'll hold the interview with you then, too.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: There are only simple questions.
[2009/06/15 18:48] D. D.: ok thank you
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: It could be finished within 30 mins.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: See you then. :D
-- Instant message logging enabled --
[22:22] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[22:22] D. D.: hello
[22:22] D. D.: I am free now
[22:22] Brooke Yven: So, where are you prefer to have the interview?
[22:23] D. D.: it does not matter to me
[22:23] D. D.: my home or?
[22:23] Brooke Yven: It's okay.
[22:23] Brooke Yven: If you don't mind, I can interview you at your home. :)
[22:23] D. D.: ok ill send tp
[22:27] D. D.: we can talk here
[22:27] Brooke Yven: First we'll start with 7 background information questions.
[22:27] D. D.: ok
[22:27] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[22:27] Brooke Yven: I mean RL.
[22:27] D. D.: rl or sl?
[22:27] D. D.: oh
[22:28] D. D.: 31
[22:28] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 2. gender?
[22:28] D. D.: female
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 3. Where is your location in RL?
[22:28] D. D.: California
[22:29] Brooke Yven: 4. What is your RL occupation?
[22:29] D. D.: manegement training - hotel industry
[22:30] Brooke Yven: Btw, do you think there is any relation between your career and your purpose to report news in CNN?
[22:30] D. D.: no
[22:30] D. D.: not my rl career
[22:30] D. D.: I do work in sl too
[22:30] D. D.: and it has everything to do with that
[22:30] Brooke Yven: ok.
[22:30] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[22:31] D. D.: oh since about a week after they got here to sl but I dont remeber when that was
[22:31] Brooke Yven: they?
[22:31] D. D.: cnn
[22:32] Brooke Yven: So you joined iReport right after they had a site here?
[22:32] D. D.: yes
[22:32] Brooke Yven: It seems to be a long time, I believe.
[22:32] D. D.: yes over a year I think
[22:32] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:32] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[22:33] D. D.: that varies .. actually I have not submitted one in several months
[22:33] D. D.: ive mostly been writing for sl newspaper and some magazines
[22:33] Brooke Yven: So you actually seldom post your news there.
[22:34] D. D.: not anymore no.. but I may if I feel like it
[22:34] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:34] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[22:34] D. D.: publicity
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Your magazine?
[22:35] D. D.: no
[22:35] D. D.: for whatever evevent I happenned to write about
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:35] D. D.: event*
[22:35] Brooke Yven: So you make a record of your sl life in CNN?
[22:36] D. D.: not exactly
[22:36] D. D.: there have been some events that I worked on and I simply wrote about them on ireport to gain publicty
[22:36] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Then let's move to the next part: CNN iReporter experiences.
[22:37] D. D.: ok
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[22:38] D. D.: ease of submitting.. high profile of the service...
[22:38] Brooke Yven: So you were enjoying the service and liberity to submit your news there?
[22:38] D. D.: yes
[22:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:39] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[22:40] D. D.: hmm.. well Im a huge fan of live music in sl so thats one.. also im into sailing so I like the sailing groups... and I work for a Television network in sl so im those groups too
[22:40] D. D.: places...
[22:40] D. D.: thats hard
[22:40] D. D.: I have 100 favorite places
[22:40] D. D.: lol
[22:40] D. D.: but probably
[22:41] D. D.: the United Sailing Sims
[22:41] D. D.: where we are now
[22:41] D. D.: is my #1 fav
[22:41] Brooke Yven: So, do you report these your favorite people or places often?
[22:43] D. D.: pretty much yes.. but not so much on ireport anymore.. instead i go for the livve music magazine and sailing magazine
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Ok. I got it.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Then the next one.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[22:44] D. D.: well like i said they are usually about events or people Iknow so Ijust hear about them I dont go looking for stories
[22:44] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[22:45] D. D.: on tv you mean?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Have you ever noticed any kind of news would have more chances to be chosen as headline in the web-site?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: in CNN iReport?
[22:46] D. D.: well im not sure really but Iknow that one of my stories made it to CNN TV. It was about the 9/11 memorial we did here in sl
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[22:47] D. D.: target is anyone who uses sl.. how do Iknow what?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: How do you know who have read your report?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: your news.
[22:48] D. D.: unless they happen to tel me they read it I dont know
[22:48] D. D.: I onlyknow how many read it
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Then you seldome respond the comments? or there were little comments?
[22:49] D. D.: very few comments and I seldom respond
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Ok, I see.
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[22:50] D. D.: current events
[22:50] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Then, the last one.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[22:51] D. D.: I think the only limit is the file size of a picture and maybe how many words im really not sure but the rules are posted on the submission page
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: So there were little difficulties you met?
[22:52] D. D.: ive not run into any difficullties
[22:52] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Okay. We have done the interview.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources.
[22:53] D. D.: can I ask you afew questions?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: :D
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Sure.
[22:53] D. D.: what is it again you are collecting this information for?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: We are a group of English major students from Taiwan.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: There is a journalistic course this semester, and the final assignment is to hold a project.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: Our group has decided to make a project about why people would post their SL news on CNN iReport.
[22:54] D. D.: what is the name of the university?
[22:55] Brooke Yven: National Central University, Taiwan.
[22:55] Brooke Yven:
[22:55] Brooke Yven: Here is our class blog.
[22:55] D. D.: thank yuu.. well I reccommend you talk to jim sella
[22:55] D. D.: he does alot of i reports
[22:56] Brooke Yven: I remember one of my member had done intervie him...I guess.
[22:56] D. D.: oh ok good
[22:56] Brooke Yven: But I'll make sure of it.
[22:56] Brooke Yven: Thank you for reminding me of this. :D
[22:56] D. D.: your welcome
[22:57] D. D.: and Im happy to help
[22:57] Brooke Yven: This is a fantastic place I must say... hope you have a good day today.
[22:57] Brooke Yven: see you.
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.

[2009/06/15 18:43] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: hi
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your acception. I'm Brooke Yven, who invited you to join in our journalistic project.
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: oh yes
[2009/06/15 18:44] Brooke Yven: Are you free now to have the interview?
[2009/06/15 18:44] D. D.: I saw a message from you on it
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: im sorry but I wont be free until about 9PM sl time
[2009/06/15 18:45] D. D.: maybe a little sooner
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[2009/06/15 18:46] Brooke Yven: Well...I'll be free at 11pm.
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Will you have time then?
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I think that will be fine yes
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: but no later than that please
[2009/06/15 18:47] D. D.: I live in sl time in rl
[2009/06/15 18:47] Brooke Yven: Ok. Then I'll come back at then and I'll hold the interview with you then, too.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: There are only simple questions.
[2009/06/15 18:48] D. D.: ok thank you
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: It could be finished within 30 mins.
[2009/06/15 18:48] Brooke Yven: See you then. :D
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[22:22] Brooke Yven: Hello, D. D..
[22:22] D. D.: hello
[22:22] D. D.: I am free now
[22:22] Brooke Yven: So, where are you prefer to have the interview?
[22:23] D. D.: it does not matter to me
[22:23] D. D.: my home or?
[22:23] Brooke Yven: It's okay.
[22:23] Brooke Yven: If you don't mind, I can interview you at your home. :)
[22:23] D. D.: ok ill send tp
[22:27] D. D.: we can talk here
[22:27] Brooke Yven: First we'll start with 7 background information questions.
[22:27] D. D.: ok
[22:27] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[22:27] Brooke Yven: I mean RL.
[22:27] D. D.: rl or sl?
[22:27] D. D.: oh
[22:28] D. D.: 31
[22:28] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 2. gender?
[22:28] D. D.: female
[22:28] Brooke Yven: 3. Where is your location in RL?
[22:28] D. D.: California
[22:29] Brooke Yven: 4. What is your RL occupation?
[22:29] D. D.: manegement training - hotel industry
[22:30] Brooke Yven: Btw, do you think there is any relation between your career and your purpose to report news in CNN?
[22:30] D. D.: no
[22:30] D. D.: not my rl career
[22:30] D. D.: I do work in sl too
[22:30] D. D.: and it has everything to do with that
[22:30] Brooke Yven: ok.
[22:30] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[22:31] D. D.: oh since about a week after they got here to sl but I dont remeber when that was
[22:31] Brooke Yven: they?
[22:31] D. D.: cnn
[22:32] Brooke Yven: So you joined iReport right after they had a site here?
[22:32] D. D.: yes
[22:32] Brooke Yven: It seems to be a long time, I believe.
[22:32] D. D.: yes over a year I think
[22:32] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:32] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[22:33] D. D.: that varies .. actually I have not submitted one in several months
[22:33] D. D.: ive mostly been writing for sl newspaper and some magazines
[22:33] Brooke Yven: So you actually seldom post your news there.
[22:34] D. D.: not anymore no.. but I may if I feel like it
[22:34] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:34] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[22:34] D. D.: publicity
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Your magazine?
[22:35] D. D.: no
[22:35] D. D.: for whatever evevent I happenned to write about
[22:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:35] D. D.: event*
[22:35] Brooke Yven: So you make a record of your sl life in CNN?
[22:36] D. D.: not exactly
[22:36] D. D.: there have been some events that I worked on and I simply wrote about them on ireport to gain publicty
[22:36] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Then let's move to the next part: CNN iReporter experiences.
[22:37] D. D.: ok
[22:37] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[22:38] D. D.: ease of submitting.. high profile of the service...
[22:38] Brooke Yven: So you were enjoying the service and liberity to submit your news there?
[22:38] D. D.: yes
[22:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:39] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[22:40] D. D.: hmm.. well Im a huge fan of live music in sl so thats one.. also im into sailing so I like the sailing groups... and I work for a Television network in sl so im those groups too
[22:40] D. D.: places...
[22:40] D. D.: thats hard
[22:40] D. D.: I have 100 favorite places
[22:40] D. D.: lol
[22:40] D. D.: but probably
[22:41] D. D.: the United Sailing Sims
[22:41] D. D.: where we are now
[22:41] D. D.: is my #1 fav
[22:41] Brooke Yven: So, do you report these your favorite people or places often?
[22:43] D. D.: pretty much yes.. but not so much on ireport anymore.. instead i go for the livve music magazine and sailing magazine
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Ok. I got it.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Then the next one.
[22:43] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[22:44] D. D.: well like i said they are usually about events or people Iknow so Ijust hear about them I dont go looking for stories
[22:44] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[22:45] D. D.: on tv you mean?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: Have you ever noticed any kind of news would have more chances to be chosen as headline in the web-site?
[22:45] Brooke Yven: in CNN iReport?
[22:46] D. D.: well im not sure really but Iknow that one of my stories made it to CNN TV. It was about the 9/11 memorial we did here in sl
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:47] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[22:47] D. D.: target is anyone who uses sl.. how do Iknow what?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: How do you know who have read your report?
[22:48] Brooke Yven: your news.
[22:48] D. D.: unless they happen to tel me they read it I dont know
[22:48] D. D.: I onlyknow how many read it
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Then you seldome respond the comments? or there were little comments?
[22:49] D. D.: very few comments and I seldom respond
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Ok, I see.
[22:49] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[22:50] D. D.: current events
[22:50] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Then, the last one.
[22:50] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[22:51] D. D.: I think the only limit is the file size of a picture and maybe how many words im really not sure but the rules are posted on the submission page
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: So there were little difficulties you met?
[22:52] D. D.: ive not run into any difficullties
[22:52] Brooke Yven: I see.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Okay. We have done the interview.
[22:52] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources.
[22:53] D. D.: can I ask you afew questions?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: :D
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[22:53] Brooke Yven: Sure.
[22:53] D. D.: what is it again you are collecting this information for?
[22:53] Brooke Yven: We are a group of English major students from Taiwan.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: There is a journalistic course this semester, and the final assignment is to hold a project.
[22:54] Brooke Yven: Our group has decided to make a project about why people would post their SL news on CNN iReport.
[22:54] D. D.: what is the name of the university?
[22:55] Brooke Yven: National Central University, Taiwan.
[22:55] Brooke Yven:
[22:55] Brooke Yven: Here is our class blog.
[22:55] D. D.: thank yuu.. well I reccommend you talk to jim sella
[22:55] D. D.: he does alot of i reports
[22:56] Brooke Yven: I remember one of my member had done intervie him...I guess.
[22:56] D. D.: oh ok good
[22:56] Brooke Yven: But I'll make sure of it.
[22:56] Brooke Yven: Thank you for reminding me of this. :D
[22:56] D. D.: your welcome
[22:57] D. D.: and Im happy to help
[22:57] Brooke Yven: This is a fantastic place I must say... hope you have a good day today.
[22:57] Brooke Yven: see you.