The interview was hold on June, 16, 2009, morning. At B. C.’s home.
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.

[17:45] B. C. is Online
[17:45] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[17:45] Connected
[18:05] Teleport completed from
[18:05] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:05] Connected
[18:05] B. C.: hi sorry it took me so long
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Hello.:D
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Nice to meet you.
[18:06] B. C.: yes same here
[18:06] B. C.: this is my SL home
[18:06] Brooke Yven: It's okay. I am the one bothering you.
[18:06] B. C.: I just opened up a gallery
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your time.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Let's get it start?
[18:06] B. C.: sure
[18:07] Brooke Yven: First with 7 background information questions
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[18:07] B. C.: 48
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 2. Gender?
[18:07] B. C.: Female
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 3. Where do you live in RL?
[18:07] B. C.: New Jersey USA
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 4. and your RL occupation?
[18:08] B. C.: medical librarian
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[18:08] B. C.: for about 2 years off and on
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[18:09] B. C.: not that often this year, I used to submit more last year when Healthinfo Island was more active
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Btw, is there any relation between your career and your purpose to report news on CNN?
[18:10] B. C.: not directly but I do alot of work in SL with health care related exhibits so I like to promote our work in here
[18:10] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:11] B. C.: I recently began to do RL work in SL under my RL library's name
[18:11] Brooke Yven: How do you perform this?
[18:12] B. C.: through special activities, such as giving a presentation on Info Island for library students or working on a special consumer health exhibit
[18:13] B. C.: i do that on work time
[18:13] Brooke Yven: Oh, so these are not related to news reporting.
[18:13] B. C.: yes and no....after the event or exhibit I then would create a report about it
[18:14] B. C.: and now my RL library has a blog so I now will link to the ireport
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Okay. I see.
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Let's move on to the next.
[18:14] B. C.: kind of a big loop
[18:14] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[18:14] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 adores you.
[18:14] B. C.: to raise awareness about certain health care related activities in SL
[18:15] B. C.: *activities
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Then it's time for the second part: CNN ireporter experiences.
[18:15] B. C.: ok
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[18:16] Brooke Yven: Did you begin this because of your career?
[18:17] B. C.: yes and no lol...i've been working in SL for nearly 3 years now and it was on my own time. But I felt that eventually my RL job would catch up to emergent technology and it has
[18:17] B. C.: so now I am teaching workshops at my RL job about SL and can then report on it
[18:17] B. C.: so reporting has helped develop my career indirectly
[18:17] Brooke Yven: Ok. I understand.
[18:18] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[18:18] B. C.: I enjoy the librarians and educators in SL..they are an active, creative group
[18:18] B. C.: I also am active with the church movement in SL
[18:19] Brooke Yven: Then, do you usually report these group or people that you meet in SL?
[18:19] B. C.: I have in the past....but now mostly on my blog
[18:20] Brooke Yven: Then, is there focus group of your reporting? Like your librial activities and groups?
[18:21] B. C.: I usually will report on something specific...such as I led a tour group in SL for first time educators and took them around health sims. I wrote about that
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[18:21] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:22] B. C.: I'm guilty of self-promotion lol...i report mostly on my own activities I'm involved in or create
[18:22] Brooke Yven: It looks like you report things relates to you.
[18:22] B. C.: yes lol
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Yes, I can tell.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: ok, next one.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[18:23] B. C.: oh i think that unfortunately its the sex stuff that makes the cut...and not education or health care issues in SL
[18:23] Brooke Yven: Woo, ok.
[18:23] Brooke Yven: I wondered this would happen in SL only...
[18:24] Brooke Yven: You're the first one who gives a certain answer to this question.
[18:24] B. C.: its titillating and people are fascinated about sex in virtual reality so I can understand but SL is so much ore
[18:24] B. C.: more
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[18:24] B. C.: good question ...I assume that if i write about health care education and training a certain audience will automatically be interested in it
[18:25] B. C.: not sure if thats right nor wrong
[18:25] Brooke Yven: Yes, so you have a certain target readers.
[18:25] B. C.: i hope with tag words that people looking for this material will pull it up
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I see.
[18:26] B. C.: as a librarian I think of key terms :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: That's what I thought. :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I love libraries, too.
[18:26] B. C.: did you know there are over 1500 librarians working in SL?
[18:27] Brooke Yven: Not at all.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: I've only reached SL since this semester.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: SL isn't so popular among Taiwan.
[18:27] B. C.: its very popular in europe
[18:27] B. C.: USA is behind them
[18:28] Brooke Yven: I can tell. according to people I met here.
[18:28] B. C.: I try to promote SL as an educational platform as much as I can
[18:28] Brooke Yven: Our school is the second school having SL as teaching material in Taiwan.
[18:29] B. C.: you are very lucky to be exposed to this technology :)
[18:29] B. C.: I hope you take the time to enjoy it beyond working
[18:29] Brooke Yven: yes, I think so . But there is a problem that I get dizzy in 3D environment easily...
[18:29] Brooke Yven: lol
[18:29] B. C.: oh interesting ....
[18:30] B. C.: maybe you need to find camera control
[18:30] Brooke Yven: I enjoy this place but feel uncomfortable of this.
[18:30] Brooke Yven: camera control?
[18:30] B. C.: the more you are here the more immersive you will feel
[18:30] B. C.: yes some people zoom in too much
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Brooke Yven: So there is anything I can do to ease my problem?
[18:32] B. C.: well do you see over your head or do you see your face?
[18:32] Brooke Yven: I see behind my head.
[18:32] B. C.: maybe it would be helpful to turn your camera around....
[18:32] B. C.: you do that with alt and arrow keys
[18:33] B. C.: you will spin the camera around and see yourself
[18:33] B. C.: then scroll out to see long range
[18:33] Brooke Yven: Oh, Isee.
[18:33] B. C.: might help
[18:33] Brooke Yven: I'll try it later, thank you. But let't get it back to the questions. lol
[18:33] B. C.: yes
[18:34] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[18:34] B. C.: I think its topics of sex, psychology of people behind the avatars and fashion
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:35] B. C.: oh music too and how people make money in SL
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Something like the former interviewee said, "human interest".
[18:35] B. C.: yes i was an english major so i'm more wordy LOL
[18:36] Brooke Yven: hahaha
[18:36] Brooke Yven: okay, the last one.
[18:36] Brooke Yven: It's really fast I think...
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[18:36] B. C.: oh! glad you asked that!
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Is it?
[18:36] B. C.: its the software!
[18:36] B. C.: I found the site really cumbersome
[18:37] B. C.: that wasmy only obstacle, not writing the article
[18:37] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:37] Brooke Yven: The first interviewee said that, too.
[18:37] B. C.: i'd post more in fact if it were easier
[18:37] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 watches Brooke Yven adoringly.
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Excuse me, so the software you meant was?
[18:38] B. C.: I guess the cnn ireport site
[18:38] B. C.: where i'd post the article
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:39] B. C.: maybe software is wrong word
[18:39] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 loves B. C.!
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Well, it is included.
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Great, we've done!
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources!
[18:40] B. C.: hope i was helpful
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Indeed. :D
[18:40] Brooke Yven: And Let me take a pic with you...
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Ok, thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: am i close enough?
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:41] Brooke Yven: It's a very nice home. :D
[18:41] Brooke Yven: So beautiful.
[18:41] B. C.: yes i love it here
[18:41] B. C.: its very peacful
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Okay. Thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: take care and ty for your patience
[18:41] Brooke Yven: You, too.
[18:42] Brooke Yven: See you.
[18:42] B. C.: bye bye ;)
[18:42] Teleport completed from
[18:42] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:42] Connected
Interviewer was Brooke Yven.

[17:45] B. C. is Online
[17:45] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[17:45] Connected
[18:05] Teleport completed from
[18:05] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:05] Connected
[18:05] B. C.: hi sorry it took me so long
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Hello.:D
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Nice to meet you.
[18:06] B. C.: yes same here
[18:06] B. C.: this is my SL home
[18:06] Brooke Yven: It's okay. I am the one bothering you.
[18:06] B. C.: I just opened up a gallery
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Thank your for your time.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Ok. I see.
[18:06] Brooke Yven: Let's get it start?
[18:06] B. C.: sure
[18:07] Brooke Yven: First with 7 background information questions
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 1. Age?
[18:07] B. C.: 48
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 2. Gender?
[18:07] B. C.: Female
[18:07] Brooke Yven: 3. Where do you live in RL?
[18:07] B. C.: New Jersey USA
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 4. and your RL occupation?
[18:08] B. C.: medical librarian
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[18:08] B. C.: for about 2 years off and on
[18:08] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[18:09] B. C.: not that often this year, I used to submit more last year when Healthinfo Island was more active
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:09] Brooke Yven: Btw, is there any relation between your career and your purpose to report news on CNN?
[18:10] B. C.: not directly but I do alot of work in SL with health care related exhibits so I like to promote our work in here
[18:10] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:11] B. C.: I recently began to do RL work in SL under my RL library's name
[18:11] Brooke Yven: How do you perform this?
[18:12] B. C.: through special activities, such as giving a presentation on Info Island for library students or working on a special consumer health exhibit
[18:13] B. C.: i do that on work time
[18:13] Brooke Yven: Oh, so these are not related to news reporting.
[18:13] B. C.: yes and no....after the event or exhibit I then would create a report about it
[18:14] B. C.: and now my RL library has a blog so I now will link to the ireport
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Okay. I see.
[18:14] Brooke Yven: Let's move on to the next.
[18:14] B. C.: kind of a big loop
[18:14] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[18:14] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 adores you.
[18:14] B. C.: to raise awareness about certain health care related activities in SL
[18:15] B. C.: *activities
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Then it's time for the second part: CNN ireporter experiences.
[18:15] B. C.: ok
[18:15] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL?
[18:16] Brooke Yven: Did you begin this because of your career?
[18:17] B. C.: yes and no lol...i've been working in SL for nearly 3 years now and it was on my own time. But I felt that eventually my RL job would catch up to emergent technology and it has
[18:17] B. C.: so now I am teaching workshops at my RL job about SL and can then report on it
[18:17] B. C.: so reporting has helped develop my career indirectly
[18:17] Brooke Yven: Ok. I understand.
[18:18] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[18:18] B. C.: I enjoy the librarians and educators in SL..they are an active, creative group
[18:18] B. C.: I also am active with the church movement in SL
[18:19] Brooke Yven: Then, do you usually report these group or people that you meet in SL?
[18:19] B. C.: I have in the past....but now mostly on my blog
[18:20] Brooke Yven: Then, is there focus group of your reporting? Like your librial activities and groups?
[18:21] B. C.: I usually will report on something specific...such as I led a tour group in SL for first time educators and took them around health sims. I wrote about that
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:21] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[18:21] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:22] B. C.: I'm guilty of self-promotion lol...i report mostly on my own activities I'm involved in or create
[18:22] Brooke Yven: It looks like you report things relates to you.
[18:22] B. C.: yes lol
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Yes, I can tell.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: ok, next one.
[18:22] Brooke Yven: Q4. What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[18:23] B. C.: oh i think that unfortunately its the sex stuff that makes the cut...and not education or health care issues in SL
[18:23] Brooke Yven: Woo, ok.
[18:23] Brooke Yven: I wondered this would happen in SL only...
[18:24] Brooke Yven: You're the first one who gives a certain answer to this question.
[18:24] B. C.: its titillating and people are fascinated about sex in virtual reality so I can understand but SL is so much ore
[18:24] B. C.: more
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:24] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[18:24] B. C.: good question ...I assume that if i write about health care education and training a certain audience will automatically be interested in it
[18:25] B. C.: not sure if thats right nor wrong
[18:25] Brooke Yven: Yes, so you have a certain target readers.
[18:25] B. C.: i hope with tag words that people looking for this material will pull it up
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I see.
[18:26] B. C.: as a librarian I think of key terms :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: That's what I thought. :)
[18:26] Brooke Yven: I love libraries, too.
[18:26] B. C.: did you know there are over 1500 librarians working in SL?
[18:27] Brooke Yven: Not at all.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: I've only reached SL since this semester.
[18:27] Brooke Yven: SL isn't so popular among Taiwan.
[18:27] B. C.: its very popular in europe
[18:27] B. C.: USA is behind them
[18:28] Brooke Yven: I can tell. according to people I met here.
[18:28] B. C.: I try to promote SL as an educational platform as much as I can
[18:28] Brooke Yven: Our school is the second school having SL as teaching material in Taiwan.
[18:29] B. C.: you are very lucky to be exposed to this technology :)
[18:29] B. C.: I hope you take the time to enjoy it beyond working
[18:29] Brooke Yven: yes, I think so . But there is a problem that I get dizzy in 3D environment easily...
[18:29] Brooke Yven: lol
[18:29] B. C.: oh interesting ....
[18:30] B. C.: maybe you need to find camera control
[18:30] Brooke Yven: I enjoy this place but feel uncomfortable of this.
[18:30] Brooke Yven: camera control?
[18:30] B. C.: the more you are here the more immersive you will feel
[18:30] B. C.: yes some people zoom in too much
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:30] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 adores you.
[18:31] Brooke Yven: So there is anything I can do to ease my problem?
[18:32] B. C.: well do you see over your head or do you see your face?
[18:32] Brooke Yven: I see behind my head.
[18:32] B. C.: maybe it would be helpful to turn your camera around....
[18:32] B. C.: you do that with alt and arrow keys
[18:33] B. C.: you will spin the camera around and see yourself
[18:33] B. C.: then scroll out to see long range
[18:33] Brooke Yven: Oh, Isee.
[18:33] B. C.: might help
[18:33] Brooke Yven: I'll try it later, thank you. But let't get it back to the questions. lol
[18:33] B. C.: yes
[18:34] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[18:34] B. C.: I think its topics of sex, psychology of people behind the avatars and fashion
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[18:35] B. C.: oh music too and how people make money in SL
[18:35] Brooke Yven: Something like the former interviewee said, "human interest".
[18:35] B. C.: yes i was an english major so i'm more wordy LOL
[18:36] Brooke Yven: hahaha
[18:36] Brooke Yven: okay, the last one.
[18:36] Brooke Yven: It's really fast I think...
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[18:36] B. C.: oh! glad you asked that!
[18:36] Brooke Yven: Is it?
[18:36] B. C.: its the software!
[18:36] B. C.: I found the site really cumbersome
[18:37] B. C.: that wasmy only obstacle, not writing the article
[18:37] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:37] Brooke Yven: The first interviewee said that, too.
[18:37] B. C.: i'd post more in fact if it were easier
[18:37] Luv Bunny (White) by Aeryglow Wildlife v0.38 watches Brooke Yven adoringly.
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Excuse me, so the software you meant was?
[18:38] B. C.: I guess the cnn ireport site
[18:38] B. C.: where i'd post the article
[18:38] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[18:39] B. C.: maybe software is wrong word
[18:39] Luv Bunny (Black) by Second Wildlife v0.20 loves B. C.!
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Well, it is included.
[18:39] Brooke Yven: Great, we've done!
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Thank you for your sources!
[18:40] B. C.: hope i was helpful
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Indeed. :D
[18:40] Brooke Yven: And Let me take a pic with you...
[18:40] Brooke Yven: Ok, thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: am i close enough?
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[18:41] Brooke Yven: It's a very nice home. :D
[18:41] Brooke Yven: So beautiful.
[18:41] B. C.: yes i love it here
[18:41] B. C.: its very peacful
[18:41] Brooke Yven: Okay. Thank you.
[18:41] B. C.: take care and ty for your patience
[18:41] Brooke Yven: You, too.
[18:42] Brooke Yven: See you.
[18:42] B. C.: bye bye ;)
[18:42] Teleport completed from
[18:42] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[18:42] Connected