Interviewer was Brooke Yven.

[6:45] r. N. is Online
[6:45] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[6:45] Connected
[7:02] Teleport completed from
[7:02] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[7:02] Connected
[7:02] Brooke Yven: Hi.
[7:02] Brooke Yven: Nice to meet you.:D
[7:02] r. N.: good to meet you too :)
[7:03] Brooke Yven: Let's begin it now.
[7:03] r. N.: yes :)
[7:03] Brooke Yven: Start with 7 background information questions.
[7:03] r. N.: yes.. ok
[7:03] Brooke Yven: 1. what is your age?
[7:03] Brooke Yven: in RL.
[7:04] r. N.: 47
[7:04] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[7:04] Brooke Yven: Next, gender?
[7:04] r. N.: female
[7:04] Brooke Yven: 3. where do you live in RL?
[7:04] r. N.: Australia
[7:05] Brooke Yven: 4. What is your occupation?
[7:05] r. N.: Government.. Law
[7:05] Brooke Yven: Wow...
[7:05] r. N.: ?
[7:06] Brooke Yven: I wonder whether there is any relation between your purpose to post your news and your career?
[7:07] r. N.: i don't think so, i have been writing for a number of magazines for over 20 years
[7:07] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[7:07] Brooke Yven: Then the next question.
[7:07] Brooke Yven: 5. How long have you been a CNN iReporter?
[7:07] r. N.: i write about things usually not related to law
[7:07] Brooke Yven: I see.
[7:07] r. N.: hmmm good question, i think about 8 months
[7:08] Brooke Yven: 6. How often do you submit SL stories to CNN iReport?
[7:08] r. N.: well i tried weekly until i had difficulty getting onto the site
[7:08] Brooke Yven: All right.
[7:08] r. N.: now if it gets hard to get on i go do something else :)
[7:08] Brooke Yven: So that's why you seldom post news recently?
[7:09] r. N.: but it is good to be able to get on
[7:09] r. N.: yes
[7:09] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[7:09] Brooke Yven: 7. Why do you submit SL stories to CNN?
[7:09] r. N.: i have had a number of good r/l - cross to s/l stories to file
[7:09] r. N.: but couldn't get onto the site to sile
[7:09] Brooke Yven: I see.
[7:09] r. N.: well if something relates to something current
[7:09] r. N.: in r/l
[7:10] r. N.: and the impact is demonstrated here
[7:10] Brooke Yven: So there are still a bunch of good things waiting to be told?
[7:10] r. N.: then i think that is a good story
[7:10] r. N.: oh yes
[7:10] r. N.: see here.. if something like eg: the Italian Earthquake happends
[7:10] Brooke Yven: I'm looking forward to see.:D
[7:10] r. N.: this community responds very fast
[7:10] r. N.: and it is a global community
[7:10] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[7:11] r. N.: and it is good to see how things here.. like eg" fundraising
[7:11] r. N.: gets converted to r/l help
[7:11] r. N.: in real money
[7:11] Brooke Yven: Sure.
[7:11] r. N.: or how peopel play out adoption and surrogacy for example
[7:11] r. N.: the r/l issues that that relate to
[7:11] r. N.: or things like the r/l support and clinical groups help people
[7:12] r. N.: many cannot get to support groups but if they can some to sl they can join groups for all sorts of things..
[7:12] r. N.: depression,
[7:12] r. N.: multiple sclerosis etc
[7:12] r. N.: i like stories that show people that sl is not a game
[7:12] Brooke Yven: So you want to find something that has something to do with r/l in s/l?
[7:12] r. N.: it never has been
[7:12] r. N.: yes
[7:13] Brooke Yven: Okay. I see.
[7:13] r. N.: this is a total global social networking place
[7:13] r. N.: when the economy in USA went
[7:13] r. N.: plop
[7:13] r. N.: within days the effects found all over world
[7:13] r. N.: and people here from all countries talk about how it affected them
[7:14] Brooke Yven: That's very interesting.
[7:14] r. N.: where else could you get so many comments from so many countries in one place
[7:14] r. N.: and in real time
[7:14] Brooke Yven: I thought there were only web-sites, blogs ...etc to talk about these issues.
[7:15] r. N.: i also like stories that show how being here increases tolerance of difference
[7:15] r. N.: yes... and that is a bhout writing
[7:15] Brooke Yven: But it is actually a good place, too.
[7:15] r. N.: here is about direct, real time communication and immediate exchange
[7:15] r. N.: and in voice helps a lot
[7:15] r. N.: more human
[7:15] r. N.: more direct
[7:16] Brooke Yven: Ok, let's move to the second part: CNN ireport experience.
[7:16] r. N.: nods
[7:16] Brooke Yven: Q1. What reasons make you become a CNN iReporter in SL? Well, I think it has been told. :P
[7:17] r. N.: well i was doing an article for a magazine on r/l businesses in sl
[7:17] r. N.: that's how i found CNN
[7:17] r. N.: i interviewed Nicole Saidi
[7:17] r. N.: and ended up joining CNN
[7:17] Brooke Yven: You have already left there now?
[7:18] r. N.: left where?
[7:18] Brooke Yven: CNN.
[7:18] r. N.: no i am still a cnn ireporter
[7:18] r. N.: i have just had problems getting on the site to file stories lately
[7:18] Brooke Yven: Uh, I understand.
[7:19] Brooke Yven: Q2. What places or what groups of people in SL do you find the most interesting?
[7:19] r. N.: i like the creative fantasy sims.. the builders that can evoke a 'gfeeling'.. like the Baron's Templum Obscurum.. or Cuywnne Deerhunter's Crucible
[7:20] r. N.: the legal community here is also great.. a wonderful group of people
[7:20] r. N.: and i am involved with three law schools directly on projects..
[7:20] Brooke Yven: Excuse me, what was the 'gfeeling' you meant?
[7:20] r. N.: i am also involved in metanomics and sim design
[7:20] r. N.: 'feeling'
[7:21] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[7:21] r. N.: well when you walk through what has been 'feel' something.. rested, or happy, or peaceful
[7:21] Brooke Yven: Yes, indeed.
[7:21] r. N.: people that build environments..
[7:21] r. N.: create 'other worlds'
[7:21] r. N.: not just buildings
[7:21] r. N.: so i love finding people that can do that.. evoke a feeling
[7:22] r. N.: and thn i interview if i feel they have something people may like to hear
[7:22] Brooke Yven: Do you think that they put their emotion to their creation, so that makes people feel something?
[7:23] r. N.: yes
[7:23] r. N.: it is hard to build a whole space without becoming involved
[7:23] r. N.: and i love to see what people can do
[7:23] r. N.: and wonder..
[7:23] r. N.: feel in awe of talent
[7:23] r. N.: i love that
[7:23] Brooke Yven: Me, too.
[7:23] r. N.: :)
[7:23] Brooke Yven: :D
[7:23] r. N.: and many in r/l have interesting stories
[7:23] r. N.: that start to make sense of what they create
[7:24] Brooke Yven: Q3. How do you find SL stories to report?
[7:24] r. N.: well i am pretty active in sl
[7:25] r. N.: and many seem to know opr remember that i do some writing
[7:25] r. N.: so people tell me things, or invite me to things
[7:25] r. N.: or i just
[7:25] r. N.: find things
[7:25] r. N.: then i decide
[7:25] r. N.: where would the stpry best fit
[7:25] r. N.: story
[7:25] r. N.: is it broad enough for CNN
[7:26] Brooke Yven: So you actually choose what to put on CNN but not just pust everything you write on it.
[7:26] r. N.: is it SL based..
[7:26] r. N.: if broader
[7:26] r. N.: then CNN usually
[7:27] Brooke Yven: then CNN usually?
[7:27] r. N.: yes
[7:28] r. N.: although some i do for Best of SL Magazine show the business crossover r/l and s/l.. the CNN ones are more specific
[7:28] r. N.: more about how help or issues crossover
[7:29] Brooke Yven: Oh, I see.
[7:29] r. N.: i think it's good for people to read about how positive things can emerge from SL
[7:29] Brooke Yven: In some way, it means you would post the best news on CNN?
[7:30] r. N.: well in my case yes.. i think there are plenty of nasty ones to post
[7:30] r. N.: but people love to do that
[7:30] r. N.: few peopel post positive things
[7:31] r. N.: my blogs are personal.. those i may post a range of positive and negative
[7:31] r. N.: but for those i report for my responsibility
[7:31] Brooke Yven: Something that would attract people's mind and influence them.
[7:31] r. N.: is to show what i can confirm
[7:31] Brooke Yven: to do good things
[7:31] r. N.: and to show how people deal with tragedy
[7:31] Brooke Yven: Oh.
[7:32] r. N.: how people can pull topgether or sjupport each other
[7:32] r. N.: or how people are impacted by things r/l
[7:32] r. N.: and how they can support each other here
[7:32] r. N.: like the Australian bushfires
[7:32] r. N.: not a positive story... but many were impacted in SL
[7:33] r. N.: so i write about how people reacted
[7:33] Brooke Yven: So you really have a good purpose behind all the stories you post. :D
[7:34] r. N.: well it is easy to post nasty stories that have little basis in fact.. or are based on gossip
[7:34] r. N.: harder to find positive things that emerge from tragedy
[7:34] Brooke Yven: That's true.
[7:34] Brooke Yven: truth.
[7:34] r. N.: anyone can do a 'beat up'
[7:34] r. N.: anyone can sensationalise
[7:35] r. N.: harder to get to a real story.. real people, real feelings, real and confirmed actions.. and real and confirmed outcomes
[7:36] Brooke Yven: I really appreciate your effort.
[7:36] r. N.: i admit though.. i enjoy cnn
[7:36] Brooke Yven: I can tell. :)
[7:36] r. N.: i like that some stories actually make it onto the actual snn
[7:36] r. N.: like the Bushfires one
[7:37] r. N.: i nwas very happy about that
[7:37] r. N.: and the music group mentioned ended up being played on Syndey Radio
[7:38] Brooke Yven: Why did they end up it? Leave more time for news to be broadcast?
[7:39] r. N.: soory.. :) i meant.. the result of the stpry
[7:39] r. N.: was that the group that wrote and sang the bushfire song
[7:39] r. N.: became famous
[7:40] Brooke Yven: and the song later been stopped playing on radio?
[7:41] r. N.: swell it would never ever have been played on radio
[7:41] r. N.: if cnn had not reported the song
[7:42] Brooke Yven: Since you said you were happy to see that, was it a song telling people something positive?
[7:43] r. N.: it was a song about the sadness and impact of the fires.. BUT it raised awareness of the fires and the massive damage
[7:43] r. N.: and the deaths
[7:43] r. N.: and it helped people to know and to help the bushfire victims
[7:43] Brooke Yven: Wow...
[7:43] Brooke Yven: that was really something.
[7:44] r. N.: it was very special
[7:44] Brooke Yven: We have the same example in Taiwan, too.
[7:44] r. N.: and so many countries
[7:44] r. N.: so many people
[7:44] r. N.: got involved here in helping victims
[7:44] r. N.: i thought that a good story
[7:44] r. N.: yes :)))
[7:45] Brooke Yven: 10 years ago, there was a big earthquake happened in Taiwan.
[7:45] r. N.: see Australians used to helping others.. it was good also for my country to see how many from other countries.. cared about my people too
[7:45] r. N.: ohh yes i recall
[7:45] r. N.: it was aweful!
[7:45] Brooke Yven: And every year, singers would get together to write and sing a song to recall people's strength from that disaster.
[7:46] r. N.: yes!!!
[7:46] r. N.: see!!!!
[7:46] r. N.: :))
[7:46] r. N.: human experieince
[7:46] r. N.: is EVERYTHING
[7:46] Brooke Yven: I really agree with you! :D
[7:46] Brooke Yven: That's right!
[7:46] r. N.: so much is focussed on the bad.. yet this world .. sl and r/l have so many stories of good people
[7:47] r. N.: good people helping people
[7:47] Brooke Yven: I can totally agree with your purpose.
[7:47] r. N.: people coming through adversity with grace and dignity
[7:47] Brooke Yven: It is very nice to know there are people who are helping each other in the world.
[7:47] r. N.: and a story that shows how people are strong
[7:47] r. N.: is valuable i think
[7:47] r. N.: and it TEACHES'
[7:47] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[7:48] r. N.: inspires
[7:48] r. N.: see
[7:48] r. N.: anypone can write about stupid things
[7:48] r. N.: bad things
[7:48] r. N.: so
[7:48] r. N.: SOMEONE
[7:48] r. N.: has to balance that
[7:48] Brooke Yven: It is important to balance it.
[7:48] Brooke Yven: I totally agree with that.
[7:48] r. N.: :)
[7:49] Brooke Yven: Okay, then, let's move to the next one.
[7:49] r. N.: yes:)
[7:49] Brooke Yven: Q5. What is your target audience? How do you know?
[7:50] r. N.: my target is i think the person who will do a search on a term
[7:50] r. N.: like bushfire
[7:50] r. N.: or adoption
[7:50] r. N.: because the stories will come up on google
[7:50] r. N.: so i look for a broader reach
[7:50] r. N.: and i get feedback through my email
[7:50] r. N.: or under the story
[7:51] r. N.: or the subject of the interview will have contact from places.. and will then let me know
[7:51] Brooke Yven: So you have set key-words for your news and waited for people who concern about these issues would come and see.
[7:52] r. N.: yes.. and most stories arfe topical
[7:52] r. N.: are* topical
[7:52] r. N.: and fall into a category
[7:52] r. N.: eg : sport
[7:52] r. N.: finance
[7:52] r. N.: social
[7:53] Brooke Yven: That's very smart.
[7:53] r. N.: ithink it's important to file a story if it has 'substance'
[7:53] r. N.: not just to file any old story
[7:53] r. N.: because it is NOT about my name on cnn site
[7:54] r. N.: not about MY byline.. but about the readers and the actual story
[7:54] Brooke Yven: I see.
[7:55] Brooke Yven: Ok, there are two more.
[7:55] r. N.: yes.. :)
[7:55] Brooke Yven: Q6. What topics are popular to audiences of CNN iReport?
[7:56] r. N.: in the main, it seems personal interest
[7:56] r. N.: human interest
[7:56] Brooke Yven: for example?
[7:56] r. N.: less about 'hard' news
[7:56] r. N.: on behaviours and acticvities
[7:56] r. N.: more about human interest
[7:56] r. N.: well like a guy in r/l who races cars
[7:56] r. N.: has a HUGE business and track here
[7:57] r. N.: where he MAKES racing cars
[7:57] r. N.: the fastest and best to steer in sl
[7:57] r. N.: and he built a whole racetrack
[7:57] r. N.: a copy of a big track in the USAS
[7:57] r. N.: USA*
[7:57] r. N.: so people are.. wow.. he is in r/l AND here
[7:57] Brooke Yven: You mean the desires?
[7:58] r. N.: he loves racing
[7:58] r. N.: so he does it in both places
[7:58] r. N.: but people like to find out
[7:58] Brooke Yven: The human interest you meant...are like the desires on bible or something?
[7:58] r. N.: the man who has big track and makes great cars here in sl ALSO does same thing in r/l
[7:58] r. N.: yes
[7:58] r. N.: :)
[7:58] Brooke Yven: Ok, I see...
[7:58] r. N.: i also think that people like to read about mischief
[7:59] r. N.: you know human relationships
[7:59] r. N.: infidelity
[7:59] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[7:59] r. N.: how relationships here impact on r/l
[7:59] r. N.: that is voyeuristic and gossipy and people loce that
[7:59] r. N.: lol
[7:59] Brooke Yven: They do.
[8:00] Brooke Yven: Okay, let's move to the final one.
[8:00] Brooke Yven: Q7. What are the restrictions that limit your freedom to post news and pictures on CNN iReport?
[8:00] r. N.: well the only one is about
[8:00] r. N.: 1) being factual
[8:01] r. N.: 2) being able to give sources or verofy sources
[8:01] r. N.: 3) getting it filed.. on pc.. sometimes it is hard to get onto the site to file story
[8:02] Brooke Yven: It seems that you did meet some sort of difficulties on the site...
[8:02] r. N.: yes... not sure if my pc or cnn server
[8:02] r. N.: but annoying :)
[8:02] Brooke Yven: I see.
[8:03] Brooke Yven: Yes, it is very annoying when the pc problems happened...:(
[8:03] r. N.: yes
[8:03] Brooke Yven: But I'm a little curious about... why being factual would be a difficulty?
[8:04] r. N.: well it is easy to report hearsay and gossip
[8:04] Brooke Yven: I thought news are all factual.
[8:04] r. N.: but to be able to verify the story
[8:04] r. N.: need to verify to editorial
[8:04] r. N.: otherwise anyone could say anything
[8:04] r. N.: need to evidence
[8:04] r. N.: validate
[8:05] r. N.: sometimes stories are good but not enough validation to file
[8:05] Brooke Yven: Oh, I see.
[8:05] r. N.: in that case you could only run a 'blind' article
[8:05] Brooke Yven: Yes.
[8:05] r. N.: a mention no manes.. hinting, implying one
[8:05] r. N.: and i hate those
[8:05] r. N.: i won't do them
[8:06] Brooke Yven: That really disturb some time.
[8:06] Brooke Yven: Okay.
[8:07] r. N.: yes
[8:07] Brooke Yven: We've completed the interview.
[8:07] r. N.: i hope it was ok
[8:07] Brooke Yven: May I take a picture with you?
[8:07] Brooke Yven: It is really great!!!
[8:08] r. N.: yes of course
[8:08] Brooke Yven: To know there is someone working on such a great idea makes me excited.
[8:08] r. N.: i hope all is ok... :)
[8:08] Brooke Yven: Thank for your sources.
[8:09] r. N.: it was a pleasure
[8:09] r. N.: i hope all goes well for your assignment :)
[8:09] Brooke Yven: Go ahead on your great idea. I would support you in my mind...since I won't be able to stay here long...
[8:10] Brooke Yven: I really appreciate this opportunity.
[8:10] r. N.: :)) be well :)
[8:10] Brooke Yven: You, too.
[8:10] Brooke Yven: See you. :)
[8:10] r. N.: oh Vicki Maidstone is online
[8:10] r. N.: is veruy good reporter to talk too also
[8:10] Brooke Yven: Oh, really?
[8:11] r. N.: Vickie Maidstone
[8:11] Brooke Yven: Would you introduce me to her, please?
[8:11] r. N.: a star ireport reporter
2009.06.15 IMdialogues
[6:48] Brooke Yven: Hello, r. N., I'm Brooke Yven.
[6:48] r. N.: HI Brooke
[6:49] Brooke Yven: I interviewed you yesterday, but I missed one question.
[6:49] r. N.: yes you interviewed me yesterday
[6:49] r. N.: sure what is the question?
[6:49] Brooke Yven: What kinds of news have better chances to be “on CNN”?
[6:51] r. N.: hard to say.. well written and verifiable
[6:51] r. N.: topical.. relating to something happening world wide
[6:51] Brooke Yven: Ok.
[6:52] Brooke Yven: Thank you. :D